Move in Day

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"Condemned?!" The gods had frowned upon her. She must've been a serial murderer in a passed life. This was too cruel for words. Was this real? Like was this real life? She must be dreaming, trapped in a nightmare! Does the pinching thing actually work because she's willing to give it a go?

"The place is infested with mold, miss. Unfit living conditions. It's not just that either. There's..." The guy just went on and on about all these health code violations and how her landlord was pretty much a dead man walking and oh! She needs to find a place to live! Like now. Like in the next 12 hours now.

"My chemistry test..." Yes, the fated Chem midterm of third year that screws over pretty much all potential med students. The exam takes place tomorrow evening and she's currently out of house and home.

Sakura was in a real pickle here. Where was she supposed to go? She lived alone. Her parents moved out of the city after she left and lived too far away for her to even think about commuting. Ino, her best friend, went to college in a different state. She has no close relatives. And money, ha! College students don't have money!

"Oh my god...wh-what do I do...?" Honest to god, she felt like crying. The tears were brimming, burning her eyes. One blink and the first of many would be in steady flow down her distraught face.

"Sakura?" A voice called, yanking her from her current bout with despair. She turned, eyes big and full of uncertainty, anxiety, you name it. Those same eyes drank in the figure of one Uchiha Sasuke. He looked like a sweaty mess, dressed in athletic wear with a basketball propped on his hip and a duffle bag dangling from his shoulder.

"S-Sasuke..." She mumbled, caught in a trance which she quickly snapped out of after that betraying tear slipped out and she noticed his face shift into that of a slightly concerned one.

Oh. God.

Why did it seem like she was always bawling in front of him?

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" He moved closer and soon was able to discern the situation at hand using his visual prowess. The condemned notice on the door. The trash bags labeled HARUNO lined up on the sidewalk. And the pristinely dressed, 'I shut down buildings for fun' health inspector chewing out the man he'd come to know as Sakura's landlord.

"Oh." He gathered that she was in a pretty desperate situation.

"Uh...y-you know, I just need a place to crash for like a...a day or two, no big deal! I'll just...stay at a motel or something!" She tried to remain positive, given the circumstances. Really, a motel was fine for the night. She'd pay her fee, dump all her stuff there, and just spend all day in the library until her exam. After that was done, she'd worry about finding a new place to live. Preferably one not covered in mold.

"Don't be stupid. You can crash at my place."


"'re not staying at motel, Sakura. I'll call the loser and have him come help you move your stuff." His phone was already out and up to his ear. And he was talking, giving orders and she could hear the familiar boisterous voice of Naruto, screaming out obscenities and 'I'll be right there!' and that was that.

"Sasuke, are you sure? I mean, I don't want to be an—."

"Is this all your stuff?" He completely ignored her protests in favor of assessing the bags only to grab all he could carry with two hands then turned to her with a glance of expectancy. Like, I asked you something. Answer.

"Uh...yeah, that's all of it, I think..." She wasn't allowed back into the building, so she hoped that was everything that the mold hadn't touched, save for her furniture. Realizing that she couldn't argue with him on this, the pinkette just sighed and moved to grab a couple bags as well.

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