Escape part: 1

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Authors note: I'm gonna say it one last time Alex is nonbinary and their pronouns are they, them and their okay. Also, I fixed the spelling errors in part one if you would like to go back and read it. And just to clarify Adam is half Irish half French and was born and raised in the U.K. Mari is black. Alex is Hispanic and the twins (Issac & Cassi) are Japanese.

Issac: Where am I.
Cassi: You're in the same world you came from but slightly different.
Cassi: Shhh! you don't wanna get caught, do you? You're a boy in a girl's orphanage.
Issac: I wanna go back.
Cassi: You can't go back we need you here.
Mari: Cassi you're still up? I thought I told you to go to sleep.
Mari: Wait...WHAT!
*Mari jumped out her bed*

Mari: Who's this and why is he here.
Alex: What are you guys talking about at this time.
*Alex said while rubbing Alex's eyes*

Alex: Wait... Who's this
*Alex points at Issac*

Cassi: No time to explain. Get your things were leaving.
Mari: Now since when do we take orders from and eight year old.
Cassi: Since now.
Alex: Not until you tell us what's going on.
Cassi: Okay okay. Let's not all act dumb here we all have some form of unnatural abilities that we can't explain and we also all happen to be orphans am I correct.
Cassi: I had a dream that this was supposed to happen that he was supposed to be here and that we're supposed to leave. And the thing about my dreams is that there never wrong....
(Cassi can only see the future in her dreams)

Mari: Okay that's great and all but why do we have to leave.
Cassi: Because there's someone missing I can feel it.
Alex: She's right I can feel it too
Mari: Well if she believes you I guess I believe you.

As they were packing the essentials the hall way light turned on.Every one panicly flinched and instantly started packing faster.

Mari: Hurry up you guys.
Issac & Cassi: We're trying
Issac & Cassi: Hey. Stop that. Why do you keep copying me?
Alex: For heaven sake will you two just quit it already.

They began to hear creaking footsteps slowly making their way towards the room.

Cassi: Hurry out the window.
Alex: What about you guys.
Cassi: We have to get the keys.
Issac: We?
Alex: Keys to what?
Cassi: The van, how else did you think we'd get out of this dump. Don't worry I placed a mirror in the kitchen where they keep the keys.
Cassi: Come on Issac. If we don't come back in five minutes leave without us. But for now, just wait by the van.
Alex: Roger that.

Mari: It's been three minutes we should probably leave.

Alex: Well she said five minutes.

Mari: *sighs*

Cassi: We're back!

Cassi yelled as her and Issac came running out the door while waving the keys in the air.

Isaac: Hurry and unlock the door!
Mari: *chuckle* what's the rush.
Cassi: They Caught us.
Mari: WHAT!
Alex: Cassi you know how to drive?
Cassi: Well actually... About that.

Mari took the steering wheel and they swerved there way out the orphanage. Crashing right through the gate. Alex who was in the back seat flicked off the houseparents who were trying to run after them.

Female administrator: Great now what are we gonna tell him. The boss is surely gonna get us this time.

Male administrator: Don't worry, it's just time for plan B

Ps: This is the end of escape part one. Escape part two is where they meet Adam.

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