ix. passing clouds

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"This is stupid." Chuuya groaned loudly, tapping the small notebook with his pen.

"What is it?" You asked, raising your head away from the canvas, "Did you managed to write anything yet?"

"No.." Chuuya buried his head in the notebook, tapping the pen furiously. "Its been like for hours now and I haven't written a word."

"Geez, calm down." You sigh as you walked up to him, getting his pen and twirling it around in your fingers. "Hm, well you don't have to rush things. Ideas will come up naturally to you."

Chuuya sighed, snatching the pen back from his hands, "Yeah, I know. It's just, I don't know what's the theme of the song. Its been a while since I've written anything. Maybe the last time was over two years ago, and I'm not even kidding."

"So?" You scoffed, "It's not like your brain will come up with lyrics when you wanted to write right away. Things take time, Chuuya."

"Whatever." He waved at you dismissively.

"You know, I sometimes go out to get some inspirations. Staying inside is not recommended, especially when you are creating something. I usually go out to get some fresh air and ideas to paint. It helps a lot." You put the brushes back to the glass.

"I guess I'm going out for a walk around then." He stood up and picked up his pen and notebook. His brow lifted when he saw the canvas white. "You're not painting today?"

You shook your head as a no, "I think not. I should probably just go and rest my hands."

"Its been a while since I saw you paint anything." He stops on his track and leans on the door. "Maybe you needed to go out and get some fresh air."

You chuckled, "Very funny. But I'm going to be in my room and take my medications then rest."

"Suit yourself." And with that, he left your room

It was the first day of October and things started to change. Autumn came around a bit quicker than you anticipated. The nice shade of green leaves dyed into sepia tones. The leaves dance as they fell down from the branch. The breeze is much more icy-cold. The first day of autumn makes you miss the heat of the summer but you never liked the summer anyway. You liked the cold more than the heat. You put the glass with the paintbrushes aside and admire how the skies aren't dull unlike for the past few days, which you find weird.

Come to think of it, it been a while since you went to the garden. Little by little, your legs just get tired so easy even for a small little walk. You would chuckle bitterly at the thought.

Time is changing

So is your body.

You bit your lip as you try to hide the tears from falling down from your cheeks.

It felt unnaturally quiet than usual. Perhaps it is different this time. You felt alone. Maybe its because you got used to having a familiar presence sitting behind you, who wanted to talk to you and give you life.

You have to get out of here.

"Whatever." You wiped the tears from your eyelids, grabbed a jacket and draped it around your body as you ran outside.


Entering the garden once more, everything feels so light. It was like you are finally home after a long time. The flowers are starting to lose their vibrant like the trees. Sooner or later, they'll die but they'll always come back.

Your eyes lead you up to the hill where you see the redhead sleeping soundlessly. You quickly ran up to the hill and sat down beside him. You examined his face, he looks so peaceful while he sleeps. You never knew he would look like an angel while he sleeps. You watched as his chest rise and fall. The cold breeze brushed his hair, his ginger hair danced into the air.

𝐎𝐂𝐄𝐀𝐍 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 / chuuya nakahara [ON-HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now