Apparently I got tagged

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Apparently Cupcake615243 tagged me, so now I have to talk about myself. My least favorite thing to do, but okay.

1. My favorite thing to do is anything artsy or creative. 

2. I'm actually 13. 

3. My favorite subject is, surprisingly enough, math. I find it enjoyable and i like my teacher this year, which makes all the different.

4. I play guitar.

5. I am a huge book worm.

6. I love drawing, painting, writing, working with clay, sewing, the whole thing.

7. I am in choir at my school.

8. I like acting and have been in a few shows.

9. I am a bi demigirl. (Guess i just outed myself)

10. I am tired from this. Pls never make me do this again. 

So for people I'm tagging...

1. Crowleyfell4zira

2. Wd_527

3. Fangirlofcabin13

4. Sophie4t

5. CaliforniaYEET

6. Imnotemobutiam

7. Stoneserpent

8. RoolDashPidgeAmyGum

9. JamiexBart

10. And @Baby_weasel

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