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As we walked into Starbucks, we saw Ivan seated on one of the many stools. Immediately he saw us, he came to us and kissed Nancy's cheek.

"Hey, didn't expect to see you here," Nancy said as she looked at the blonde boy who stood before her,

"Well, Naomi texted me and I decided to surprise you," he said as he brought her closer to his side,

"Hello guys, it's been quite a while," Ivan said as he pulled me in for a hug,

"You know I don't like hugging short boys" I said as we broke apart, everyone laughed at my remark, sue me if you think being 5'11 is a joke.

"Adri!!" Nancy said as she smacked my shoulder, I rolled my eyes at her, "sorry Ivan, but that's what you get for being just a few centimeters taller than your girlfriend," I said as shrugged  my shoulders,

"Now, that we're technically done with salutations, can we please go get something to eat, I can practically see the light, and I'm not ready to die at least after I've seen my great grand child win a burger eating competition" Naomi said as we all broke into laughter and walked to the counter to place our orders.

Soon enough we got our orders and we were eating, at least most of us were, Naomi was practically digging through her food, like that girl really loved food well I really loved my phone and I hadn't even checked up on her since we got here.

I took out my phone and unlocked it, and went straight to my safe haven, my beautiful mobile paradise.

As I clicked on the book, 'My Wattpad Love', I noticed that the first chapter was dedicated to Wattpad, which I can't help but deny was cute, Wattpad was indeed a nice website, moving on I could see that I could totally relate to this character.

Just I was about to make my first comment, Sean interrupted my reading.

"Adri, I couldn't help but notice that you've never said anything about any boy in your life," Sean said and everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me, "I mean its cool, if you're interested in girls or you're aromantic…"

I face palmed, "like seriously, Sean," Naomi said as she pulled his ears, "hey, I'm just trying to know," he said in defense as she smacked the back of his head.

"Okay, sorry to say I'm like none of the things you said but fact is, I can't handle a boyfriend, I love Wattpad so much that if I was on a date with a guy, I'll give him no attention. Why? Cos I'll be so engrossed in a book I wouldn't hear what he's saying" I said and everyone kept shut, I just rolled my eyes and finished my sandwich,

After we had all finished eating, we were walking to Sean's car, when he held my hand, I turned back to look at him.

"Adri, I'm sorry about this afternoon, y'know..." I don't really fancy apologies especially when I don't find anything offensive.

"Sean, its nothing, was just a simple question, no offense taken okay...now let's head to the car before your girlfriend starts panicking,"  I said and we both laughed.

"Sure, let's go," he said as we went to the car.

•• •• •• •• ••

Another update for y'all, hope you enjoy it.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2019 ⏰

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