Part One

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Tony fell from the sky, his suit sparking and parts flying off into the air around him. Friday was talking, and there were alarms blaring painfully in the helmet. Grunting Tony tried to order Friday to open the parachute, but it was ripped away by air pressure before it could be deployed.

The man of iron fell from the sky, suit and engineer plummeting into the ocean.



The son of the sea god gave and OK sign to his diving partner as they shut the door on the old submarine they had been exploring. Percy smiled, and created and air bubble around the two, allowing his girlfriend to remove her oxygen mask.

Annabeth grinned, and help up the thick, practically ancient hard drive they had recovered from the Nazi sub. Her blonde hair which was coming loose from its pony tail began to dry quickly, water falling from it in rivulets. "Finally. It might take me a couple days to get the data from it. I was so lucky they stored in in an airtight container. Then I can file the information with New Rome's data base and use it in my entrance exam."

Percy grinned, pushing his dark hair back from tanned skin, "Nice. Did you see those skeletons though? Suuuper creepy." Annabeth rolled her eyes, and punched Percy in the shoulder. The two chatted one for a few minutes about the submarine whilst Annabeth stowed the hard-drive in her pouch, then slinging it over her shoulder.

"Hey shouldn't rainbow be here with the other hippo-campus?" The girl said, ripping out her bobble and trying her hair in a tighter knot.

Percy shrugged, "I don't know, maybe they got creeped out by the wreck?" Percy let his hands dip through the water of their air bubble, smiling at the cold feeling over his skin. He reached out his mind, and felt the familiar presence of Rainbow. Stretching out his conscious, he spoke to the Hippo-campus.

Hey. Where are you guys?

Something strange boss. Rainbow replied, Human in the water. Dying.


Percy frowned at looked over to Annabeth. "There's a person nearby, just in the water."

This earned a similar frown from the demigoddess. "But were 300 miles out to sea?"

Percy reached across for Annabeth's hand, and she took it. Wrapping his girlfriend in his arms the demigod willed the water to shoot them forward, into the dark waters.



Tony's suit, although shutting down still had auxiliary power running. The camera on the outside of the helmet, pointing out at the ocean that was swallowing the man in its endless maw. 

*Camera footage*: Through the blurry footage, bubbles appear before the camera, and almost out of the blue a boy's face appears, black hair with a streak of silver. He is wearing no wet suit, no diving gear. Simply and orange t-shirt which moves through the water like it is dry. Around his neck is a necklace with beads, which comes into view as the boy grabs the suit within his arms, chest covering the camera. 

The footage from here is blurred by bubbles, clothing and the removal of the helmet. The front face is thrown into sand. Sand. Handfuls seconds ago they had been in the mid-sea, open water. The helmet picks up on a sign signifying that they are on long island.

There is a sound of coughing, and a surge of water comes from the direction of Stark. The coughing, wheezing and cursing is voice matched with that of Tony himself. This continues for a few moments before Tony's voice picks up again.

"Who are you kids? How did I get here?"

An unidentified male voice says, "You're dead. We're dead. The governments a scam." There comes a grunt off screen, followed by another more feminine voice. "Percy quit."

"Fine. Jeez chill out." The boy says again, giving a small laugh.

There's the sound of a finger click, and then the boy speaks again. "You woke up on the beach. We spotted you and asked if you were okay. You don't remember this conversation. You also try not to skydive free fall into open wate-"

"Jackson shut up." The girls voice says, and some scuffling in sand sounds before two pairs of feet run away quickly.

The video ends when a haggered tony appears in front of the camera, and grabs his helmet, just as the auxiliary power circuits out from the water.

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