Chapter 18: No Turning Back

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When I finally make it to my room, I collapse on my bed. This whole night was just exhausting. Like mentally exhausting. I lay with my arms spread above my head and my feet dangling over the edge of the bed just staring up at the ceiling. Lacey has already fallen asleep on her mat and I can feel my eyelids getting heavy. I know I should get dressed into pajamas, but to hell with it. I'm just way too damn tired. But the subconscious reminds me. Screw the light, I retaliate to the little voice in my head. I feel my eyes flutter close and welcome blissful sleep.

I jolt awake. I'm still in the same position I fell asleep in, but something feels off. I glance over at my clock and it reads 4:30 AM. I've been asleep for about five hours. I sit up to kick off the shoes I left on and attempt to get under the covers, but it's too dark to see. I get this funny feeling as if I've forgotten something, but can't remember what. My mom is still at work, Lacey's safe and sound...then why does it feel like something's wrong? My stomach knots when I realize it.

The light.

The damn light was on when I fell asleep. So either I truly am a freaky sleep walker who opens up all her windows and locks her dog in a trash bin at night or this high school, stalker prank has gone far out of hand.

I hear the floorboards creaking and my whole body goes rigid. At least that's what I think I'm hearing, but I can't tell whether the sounds are near or far away. I curse my ears and their inability to function properly. I slip my kimono off and gently tiptoe across to the door. I bend ever so slightly and press my stomach flat against the floor, trying not to make any noises. I try to peer under the crack of the door for movement or light. Anything really, because at this point I'm enraged. All the fear that occupied me earlier has vanished and has been replaced with anger. How dare they come into my house, mess with my head, and then scare my dog. It's not right.

I don't see anything under the crack of the door, so I start to lift myself up and turn the knob. I'm greeted with the dark blanket that has enveloped the entire house. Facing the rest of the house at night in complete darkness makes me realize how vulnerable I am.
Are you really going to let stupid teenagers rule you over in fear? My subconscious mocks me in the most annoying way possible. I gather up what little strength I have and yell out, "If there's anyone here, you better leave or I'll call the cops on you!" I feel a little silly speaking out into the open like this, but I also feel more confident so I add, "Wouldn't want mommy or daddy finding out what you did now, do you?" Ok, that sounded stupid, but I've already said it so I can't take it back.
I hear something. Sounded like a grunt, but I could totally be wrong. All I know is that since I couldn't make it out clearly, it's coming from below the stairs.

I look down just in time to see a a faint black sillhoute disappear from view. Whoever it was, is going towards the back sliding door. All my anger has been vanquished. It's a fight or flight moment for me.

Adrenaline courses through my veins and I find myself running down the steps chasing after it. I dash through the open door and then immediately stop. The frosty air keeps me from going any further. I think about going back upstairs and throwing on a jacket and some shoes, but I realize it's too late. They got away.

I go back inside my house and lock everything. Every door. Every window. Then I make a second round to make sure I didn't miss a lock.

When I finally get back to my room, I lock my door. I remember my mom telling me not to lock my door because of my hearing problem, but tonight is an exception. It's because of my hearing that I've got to lock it. I won't be able to hear if someone breaks into the house again, but I'm hoping that I'll at least recognize when someone tries to break into my room. I also know that I've got to go to the police and report this. I need to do it first thing in the morning. I've waited too long and now I know that whoever it was...isn't afraid of me, and that frightens me.

I keep replaying the grunt noise I heard earlier and every time I start thinking that it could almost pass for a laugh, I push the idea away. I don't want to believe that this person is actually enjoying the pain and fear I'm going through.

I stay looking up at the ceiling with my hearing aid on for the rest of the night. I'm too shaken up to fall asleep and I don't want to be in my world of silence right now. I see the light of dawn seeping in through my bedroom window and feel a sense of relief. I made it to morning without another interruption. With that, I feel my body get heavy with lack of sleep, but then I see my phone light up.

Who the hell is texting me at freaking 6:30 in the morning?

I grab my phone and see Nathan's name on the screen. He hasn't texted me since last week when he asked for the homework assignment.

Hey Elle! Hope you had a good night's sleep. Let me know if you are feeling up to doing something today.

My thoughts go back to what Mikey said. It does seem like everything started happening when he met me. Is it possible? If so, then why? No. I can't believe it. It's just a coincidence.
A big coincidence at that, my subconscious remarks. I ignore her and pull some sweats on. I'm going to the police station.

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