Chapter 2 - Greendale Mental Hospital

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I was pulled out of the transportation truck and dragged into Greendale Mental Hospital. I was so tired and drained, I didn't even feel like fighting back. My entire perfect world was crumbling, so quickly right in front of me and I couldn't do anything about it. For once, I wasn't in control.

I was taken into a white room with a small bed in the left corner and a big window in the center. On the bed laid to a hideous uniform. "Get dressed, Mrs. Larry will be back to assess you soon." one of the Doctors told me. They closed the door and left me alone.

      My urge to just throw myself outside of the window was growing stronger, but nevertheless I put on the white dress that made me look like a 50's housewife and tried my best not to explode. All of my thoughts were driving me crazy and I had no idea how to stop it. Maybe Toni was right, maybe this is for the best. What if I am crazy. Or what if she was trying to get rid of me this entire time.

         Then my train of thought was wrecked when the door opened. I was guessing this was Mrs. Larry. She looked like Ethel...if she was in her late 40's. She had cat eyed glasses and pearls hanging from her neck. Like seriously, is this a mental hospital or a library.

"Hello Cheryl." Mrs. Larry said. "Hello." I replied. "So, is ok if I ask you some questions." Mrs. Larry asked. "Do I really have a choice?" I asked. "Nope. Now Cheryl, I see that you've been through many traumas. Your childhood home burned down, you've suffered abuse, a rape attempt, your brother's murder, your father's suicide." Mrs. Larry explained.

       "Oh, don't forget my mother sending me off to a gay conversion camp." I reminded her. "You poor little girl." Mrs. Larry said with sympathy. "Well, I'm here to help you finally be able to let go of your brother." Mrs. Larry continued. "But why would I do that. He's all I have." I responded. "Cheryl... Jason's dead." Mrs. Larry lied. "Get out." I told her. "Cheryl, Jason's been dead for three years.." Mrs. Larry tried to explain. But I knew she was just trying to make me look crazy, but I wasn't crazy. I couldn't just betray Jason. I couldn't let him go. "Cheryl." Mrs. Larry repeated. "SAY MY NAME AGAIN AND YOU'll BE DEAD TOO! NOW GET OUT!" I yelled at her.

Mrs. Larry jumped up and quickly grabbed her things and left the room. I began to calm down and then I realized what I'd just done. Maybe me screaming threats at a nurse wasn't my best move, but she was irritating me. I hated when people tried to tell me Jason was dead, he wasn't, right? I mean, I just spoke to him this morning. I let go of my thoughts and turned back to looking out hopelessly at the dark night sky.

The next day, I had to eat lunch with all the other mentally ill girls. I grabbed my tray and looked around at where I could sit. In one corner there were girls screaming at each other, and others sat alone in corners with the posture of the hunchback and some were just plain scary. Even for me.

         I found an empty table to sit at and I walked over, then some girl bumped into me and my food fell to the floor. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry." the girl apologized. "It's fine." I replied as I bent down to get the tray. Then my hand touched hers as we both reached for the tray. I looked up to see... Heather. "Cheryl?" Heather asked. "Heather.." I uttered.

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