Chapter 4 - Parting Ways

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"So what are you doing here?" I asked Heather.
"Well, after our breakup.. I kind of went down a downward spiral. I ended up hurting myself....again. So I've been in and out of this place ever since." Heather replied.

That's as far as I prodded with the questions because I didn't even want to know the darker things that Heather had been through.

"Cheryl Blossom?" I heard a voice say. I turned around to see one of the doctors called for me. "That's me." I replied. "Well you have a visitor waiting on you." the doctor informed me. I was confused, but then I realized exactly who this visitor was.

I walked into the visiting room and Toni was sitting there across the table waiting for me. I didn't know if I was ready to try to talk to her. She was the reason I was in this hellhole in the first place and now a new floodgate of thoughts was opened now that I'd seen my old flame Heather.

"Hey babe." Toni said as I sat down. "Babe? I you serious?" I asked. "Yea.. I was coming to check up on you." Toni explained. "So you banish me off to an asylum and then you show up the next day and pretend like everything is normal!" I spiraled. "Cheryl! I'm doing this to help you!" Toni tried to explain. "Oh really." I chuckled. "If that helps you sleep at night." I responded.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Toni asked. "People will do anything as long as they can convince themselves that they did it to help the other person." I answered. "Cheryl.." Toni said reaching out her hand to mine. I quickly retracted it. "Nurse, please take me back to my room. I don't think I want to talk to this girl anymore." I requested.

"Babe please!" Toni reached out to me. "Don't call me that. We're done." I replied. I tried to be mad and unfazed, but look on Toni's face when I said that, truly broke my heart.

                              -Toni's POV-

She couldn't really mean that right. I mean, she loves me. And I only did this to help her! I didn't want her to go crazy! I mean, this is helping her...right? That's all I could think about the entire drive back to Thistlehouse.

Once I got back to the house, Nana Rose just sat with an icy cold stare to greet me. I passed by her with shame and laid in bed. The bed felt colder and emptier without Cheryl. She wasn't there for me to wrap my arms around her anymore and it was all my fault.

Plus I kept hearing creaking throughout the house, I just shook it off as Nana Rose being restless. Usually, Cheryl would comfort me with something like "Oh TT, it's all going to be ok, Nana Rose doesn't have that many years left." Now that I'm thinking back on it, that's kind of bad. And if the creaking wasn't bad enough, the twins, Juniper and Dagwood wouldn't stay asleep for anything. I'd put them asleep and minutes later they'd start wailing again.

The next day at school I felt like as dead as Jason. The 3 hours of sleep and the absence of Cheryl had really gotten to me. Sweet Pea and Fangs were cool to hang around, but they were such dudes. Plus, it didn't help that every time I opened my locker I was flooded with the pictures of me and Cheryl.

"Hey Toni, you good?" Peaches asked me. Peaches 'n Cream was a friend of mine and a part of my gang, the Poisons. Not to mention I almost had sex with her one time, but I like to forget it. "Toni?" Peaches asked again.

"Yea, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" I replied.

"Well you seem pretty out of it today." Peaches answered.

"Is it that obvious?" I wondered.

"It's pretty clear, plus I haven't seen Cheryl around." Peaches explained.

"Well, um... me and Cheryl are kind of... not dating anymore." I continued. I could tell that Peaches' interest was peaked, but she tried not to show it. "Oh no.. I thought you two would last forever." said Peaches.

"So did I..." I sighed.

"Want to talk about it?" Peaches asked.

"Actually...yes." I replied. I didn't really have anyone else to spill all my issues too and I didn't even care if Peaches cared, I just need to get everything off of my chest because it was truly starting to suffocate me.

                             -Cheryl's POV-

Another day at this stupid facility. I wanted to go back home and lay in my canopy bed, with silk sheets, and memory foam pillows. I'd been too spoiled all my life to be resorted to Mental Hospital beds.

"Rise and shine!" said the Nurse as a loud beep echoed throughout the hallway. The cell doors opened to let everyone out for breakfast and I drowsily rose from bed and shuffled to the dining hall.

While I ate my cereal, I fantasized about all the things my friends were doing. Cousin Betty and Jugrat were probably solving another mystery, Veronica was probably doing a weird toe to toe battle with her father....again. Archie was probably beating someone up, Kevin was probably cruising Fox Forest again...actually not probably, Kevin was DEFINITELY cruising Fox Forest again. Toni was probably... No. I'm finished thinking about Toni, me and her are done.

"Cheryl!" I heard Heather's voice say. I stopped my fantasizing and looked up from my cereal. "Yes?" I asked.

"Me and one of the girls are planning on escaping this place, you down?" Heather asked.

Heather knew better then to ask me that, did anyone want to be in this place! It's disgusting and cold and dark and lonely. It reminded me of Thornhill and that made me sick, that's why I burned it down, if only I could do the same to this place.

"Of course I want to escape this place." I whispered to Heather.

"Ok, I'll explain details later." Heather finished as she walked off.

I was ready to get out, as soon as I got back to Riverdale. I was going to raise hell. It was time for chaos.

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