
32 2 10

**PREFIX: Favourite Arc**

dawn of the clans //  Turtle

the prophecies begin //  Thunder

new prophecy //  Water

power of three //  Holly

omen of the stars //  Dove

a vision of shadows //  Sky

the broken code //  Frost

**SUFFIX: Least Favourite Arc**

dawn of the clans // -tail

the prophecies begin // -tuft

new prophecy // -path

power of three // -paws

omen of the stars // -flight

a vision of shadows // -branch

the broken code // -snow

- sunny

Dovesnow, because even though I haven't read TBC the title sounds overused, uncreative and awful :/
Also I feel like the AVoS suffix is making fun of Twigbranch LOL

~le Shadow

Hollypath :O
- Draco

~ sunny!

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