hated by my adopted sister

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17~ adopted

Friday, December 20th

*Annie and Hayley are both staying home since they have to go to their parents today at 11am. Both girls are still sleeping; Mack is awake and making breakfast and Greg is cleaning up around the house. Around 10:30am. Mack starts waking Hayley and Annie up*
Annie- *wakes up and sits up in her bed* Do we really have to go.. 

Mack- I don't know if there's a way I can excuse you guys from not going or not but for now just go ahead and start getting ready

Annie- They ran us off because my baby sister came out... We can't stay home for christmas because of that? *starts to get up and find a pair of leggings and one of carson's hoodies*

Mack- I know and what they did was awful. I wish I could say no you guys aren't going back especially since it's christmas and I want you girls with me. It'll be my first christmas with you guys and Greg and my whole new family. But we'll have a christmas after you guys get back. promise. *she goes and hugs Annie tight, trying not to cry*

Annie- *hugs Mack, squeezing her tightly* I love you sissy..

Mack- Love you more annie baby

*Mack hugs annie for a few minutes then goes to Hayleys room. Hayley is already up getting ready*

Hay- I hate going back there..

Mack- it's only 5 days.. just keep to yourself and don't stop texting me no matter what.. if they say something record it. because after holidays i'm talking about getting it where ya don't have to go over no more.

Hay- Okay.. but I don't have any girly clothes and if I show up in my sweats and hoodie they're gonna flip

Mack- see if Anns have anything you can borrow for the five days

*Hayley and Annie packs an bag for the 5 days then head downstairs and eats breakfast. Greg and Mack walks out to the car with them and head to Katie and Billy's house. Greg pulls up in the driveway and walks the girls in as Mack sits in the car so she doesn't end up saying something she'll regret*

Katie- My girls! *smiles at Annie and Hayley* close the door on your way out Gregory

Greg- see you soon girls.. If they do anything or say anything. Call me immediately and I'll come get you girls okay

Annie- Okay.. *she goes hugs Greg right not wanting to let go* Tell Mack i'll see her soon and I love her
Hay- ... don't leave me here please...   *she hugs onto Greg*

Katie- why don't you want to stay?

Hay- *rolls her eyes and lets go of Greg, going back to the rooms with Annie*

Greg- are you for real?! gonna ask why they don't want to stay?! You told a 14 year old it was a sin to be gay! Who cares if she is. She's happy and that's all the matters. Katie, you need to fix yourself or this will be your last visitation with my girls.

Katie- Excuse me?! your girls??! You have no right to be talking to me with that kind of attitude. I can say what I want to my children. Being gay is a sin and I don't want to see my daughter go to hell because of the actions she's doing now.

Greg- My girls. As in Hayley and Annie are my kids. Now I suggest you not mention two words for them and if they call me and say you and billy are being rude to them. I will come get them.. And i'm not kidding! *he walks out and gets in the car, grabbing Macks hand and starts taking off to the new house he's been getting ready for the past month*

Mack- *had gotten a call from children's services since her and Greg has their fostering licenses. The call was about two kids. boy and girl. Who was just pulled from their home and place in foster care. Mack agreed to take them and she would be there at the children's services to sign any papers and pick them up* Hey baby... Can you go to Children's services

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