Chapter ten

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Hope could hear arguing but it sounded like she was underwater. She tried moving but couldn't. she wanted to open her eyes but her eyes felt too heavy.

"Sir, you are not allowed in here." Spoke the nurse. "I am and you can't stop me. She is my wife. My wife who that doctor said was dead." Dimitri said pointing to the doctor.

"Sir, please calm down. This woman is not your dead wife. She may have an uncanny resemblance but it is not her." "Stop lying to me. She is my wife. She is Hope." He said pointing to Hope.

"No, sir her name is not Hope, it is Diana." Dimitri let out a frustrating sigh. "My wife, Hope, before she came to America when she lived in the UK, the name was Diana Fulton."

The nurse frowned. Bruce came into the room. "I am going to kill you!" Dimitri screamed before attacking him. The doctor had to get security to break them apart.

"I'll make sure each and every one of you who was involved with this will go to jail. Starting with you." He said pointing to the doctor.

Dimitri had called his mother and informed her about what happened but didn't tell her about Hope. Yuliana was with Ethan outside in the waiting room.

Hope finally opened her eyes. She was blinded by the light in the room. She saw and heard everybody arguing. Dimitri was shouting at the doctor and Bruce.

He looked different than before. His hair was long and looked messy. Like he had run his hand through his hair a thousand times. His face was covered with a stubble beard.

Dimitri looked at Hope and his eyes caught hers. "Hope." He whispered. In an instant was he at her side. "How are you feeling?" "Terrible." "That is understandable you were hit with a car."

"The boy, Ethan, is he alright?" "Yes, he is fine. A few bumps and bruises." She nodded and closed her eyes. "What are you doing here Dimitri?" he turned to the others in the room. "Leave!" He ordered.

"Hope?" Bruce asked looking at her. She nodded and he and the doctor left the room.

"Why are you here Dimitri? How did you find me?" "I was in the streets when the accident happened." He replied. Everything about this screamed that something wasn't adding up.

He left the part out about Ethan being their child to test the waters.

"Five years. Five years since we have seen each other. What do you want Dimitri?" "To know what is going on." He replied without thinking.

"You have no right to know what is going on. You left me when I needed you the most." She said with tears in her eyes.

"No, if I remember correctly which I do, it was you who left us, when I needed you the most."

She frowned at him. "Us?" He realized his mistake. "Forget I said that. You don't deserve to know that."

"When are you leaving?" "I don't know yet." There was a noise at the door and Ethan came inside. "Daddy I am borwd."

"Ethan, what did daddy tell you?" "To stay with grandma but I am borwed." A few seconds later Yuliana came in.

"I am sorry Dimitri. I had gone to the toilet and told him not to move an inch." "It is fine. Why don't you take him home with you, mom? I will see you later."

Yuliana nodded and then her eyes found Hope in the hospital bed. "Hope?" She asked shocked. She took Ethan's hand and led him outside and drove home even though she had a million questions.

"Daddy?" She whispered with pain laced in her voice. "He is your son?" "No, Hope he is our son." "No, you are lying. Our son died in the accident."

"What are you talking about, Hope?" "I woke up in the hospital. My mother was next to my bed. She told me that I had lost the baby. That you want nothing to do with me since it was my fault that you lost the heir to your empire."

She took a shaky breath. "She handed me the divorce papers and told me that you told her to tell me that if I ever try to contact you or your mother, that you will have me arrested."

"I was talking to you on the phone when the accident happened. I reached the hospital at the same time you were. I waited outside the OR for more than an hour before the doctor came out."

There were tears in his eyes as he relived the memory.

"He told me that you had died and that only our son survived. I went and saw you. I held your cold dead hand. Then I went to our son. I watched them bury you. Every year today Ethan and I go to your tombstone and place flowers on it."

"Nothing is making sense." She said with tears streaming down her face.

"What happened after you signed the fake divorce papers?"

"Bruce, he came and helped me. He insisted I stay with him. After a year I had run in with Rison and he games me his flower shop to run."

"I will figure all of this out. I promise you I will find out what happened and I will have justice." Hope nodded.

"Rest I will be here when you wake up. I will never leave you again."

After Hope had drifted asleep did he call his private investigator. He told him all the information that Hope had given him. He had also demanded a new doctor to treat Hope.

Dimitri woke up feeling something softly touching him. He looked up and saw Hope with a small smile on her face. "You still wear your wedding band." "I almost never take it off."

"Can I see him?" "Of course. I will call my mother and tell her to bring him." "What are you going to do? What about us? Is there still an us?"

Dimitri smiled and took her hand. "Like I said last night. I will never leave you again. I love you and never stopped loving you. You are the love of my life. Will you marry me?"

"Yes." She replied without thinking.

The doctor came to check on her vitals. She only had a few cracked bones, bruises, scrapes, and cuts. "You are a strong fighter and lucky to not be critically injured."

"When can she be released?" Dimitri asked holding Hope's hand. "Tomorrow, I just want to keep her here for observation tonight if everything is fine then she can be released tomorrow."


Dimitri was outside holding Ethan's hand. "You have to be careful not to jump on her. She is still hurt." "Okay, daddy. I won't hurwt mommy." Dimitri bends down to his level. "Who told you it is mommy?"

"Grwanma. She told me that mommy was lost but I found her." Dimitri nodded and walked inside with his son.

"Hello, mommy," Ethan said and gave her. "Hello, my boy," Hope said pulling her son in for a hug. She cried silently holding her son for the first time. They talked about everything till Hope fell asleep.

After a few days was Hope discharge and went home with Dimitri and Ethan. Dimitri found out exactly what happened.

Fiona was so jealous of Hope's new life and wealth, that she wanted revenge. What also fuelled the fire was that Hope had written her off.

She went to Bruce and formed a plan. She had blackmailed the doctor to tell Dimitri that Hope died even though she was alive. She also prepared fake divorce documents and had Dimitris hand signature falsified.

Dimitri made sure Bruce and Fiona got what they deserved.   

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