Unexpected Help

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Just outside the Temple a group of 8 Clones, 6 in regular 501st armor, one in blue Arc Trooper armor, and one in black armor with red trims(aka Bad Batch armor), rushed to the temple. As they did the one in black turned to the Arc Trooper and asked, "Jesse, are you sure about this?"

Jesse turned to him and replied, "I'm positive, Echo. Me and my squad were hanging out at the bar with the others, when suddenly some order came in and everyone, except for us started walking in some kind of trans, like they were mindless zombies and they were joined by what looks like every other Clone on the planet and it seemed like they were heading here." He pointed to the Temple as he finished.

Echo sighed, with sorrow, "It looks like what Rex told me about Fives possible discovering a massive conspiracy was true."

Jesse added, "When Rex 1st told us about it, we all hoped it wasn't true, but we still took out our Inhibitor Chips that Fives discovered just in case."

One of the other Clones optimistically said, "Maybe it's not as bad as we think, sir."

The group stopped when they finally made it to the Temple and saw 2 of the Council Chamber towers in flames and 5 Clones guarding the front entrance. Jesse replied to the Clone, "Your right, Ridge. It's worse." They rushed up the steps to the door, "STAND DOWN TROOPERS! NOW!"

All the Clones guarding the gate did was aim their blasters at them and say, "Good soldiers follow orders." They then opened fire at the 8 Troopers. Who all rolled out of the way and started dodging the shots, Jesse and 3 others to the left and Echo with the other 3 to the right. Jesse, Echo, and the rest pulled out their blasters, or in Jesse and Echo's cases, 2 blasters and started shooting stun blasts. One Clone stunned one of the guards, while Jesse stunned another 2. Echo rolled the ground to dodge some shots, got on one knee and stunned the last 2 guards with his shots. They met over the unconscious Clones, before nodding and heading inside.

Inside, the main hall had erupted in battle now, with several dead Clones, Jedi, and Temple Security Guards littering the floor, with more still in battling. The 8 Clones had to pause at the carriage on display here. One female Human Jedi was just shot and killed by a Clone who then turned around and started firing at Jedi Temple Guard, who in turn rotated his double blade to deflect the shot back into the Clone's chest. Another Jedi Temple Guard spun around to dodge a shot from a Clone and get in close, to slice the Clone across the front and back of his chest straight. He then began spinning his blade around to deflect shots by 5 Clones back, killing 2 of them, but 2 more came upon the Temple Guards left and shot him in the side, killing him. Over by 2 Jedi, one male Roonan duel wielding 2 blue sabers and female Twi'lek wielding a green saber, they were deflecting shots being fired at them from 9 Clones. Until one shot hit the Twi'lek in the chest for the kill. The now angered Roonan rushed in, still deflecting shots, and even killing one Clone with them before he got in close and sliced a Clones head off. He then threw one of his sabers into a nearby Clones chest for another kill. Spinning forward, he then slashed another Clone with his other lightsaber straight from the left shoulder to the chest. As he spun around he was shot on the right side. While in pain he brought his saber up to block some more shots until he was eventually overwhelmed and shot in the front and back. Upon some steps 7 Clones were firing down at many, killing a male Human Jedi and a Temple Security Guard. Another 2 Security Guards rushed up the steps and started firing at the Clones, each killing one with a shot to the chest. However, a Clone below the steps shot the Guard on right, in the back, and killed him. The other Security Guard shot another Clone in the chest and killed him, only to then get shot in the left leg. Despite the painful cry, the Guard kept shooting, killing another Clone with a headshot. Unfortunately, the Guard was then shot repeatedly in the chest, killing him. A male Quarren with a green saber and a male Kajain'sa'Nikto with blue saber were back to back and deflecting shots from Clones, each killing one. When Clones rushed at them both they spun away, the Quarren to his left and Nikto to his right. As the Nikto spun he managed to slash a Clone in the arm and chest, killing him. While the Quarren stopped spinning right in front of a close Clone, deflecting some shots, before then slicing the Clones rifle in half and developing a slash to the chest on the left side. The pair kept deflecting shots, until a Clone with a rocket launcher, on one of the walkways above the room, fired a missile at the pair, killing them with the powerful explosion that hit in between them. Even Jedi Master Shaak Ti was in the room fighting. She rushed at some Clones and deflected back blasts, killing 2 Clones. Once she got in close, she cut one Clone across the chest, before rushing at another and slashing him in the right shoulder, then Force Pushed 3 more away. As 3 more Clones fired at her, she deflecting the blasts before charging again. Spinning her blade to deflect shots, she eventually got close and rapidly spun it to slash 2 Clones in the chest a few times. A quick motion then allowed her to slice the other Clone on her right in the left leg.

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