Chapter 4 - I'm WHAT?!?!?!

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"Now, let's see what's going on here, shall we?" Granny went through the usual check-up "any pain anywhere?"
"Nope" I answered solemnly.

 Physical done, now comes my favorite part... the Chakra test. 

I roll my eyes as she starts with both breasts, using the Chakra to check inside the overdone watermelons... I really should have thought those through... 

From there she checks the rest of my chest and then begins checking lower... 

Suddenly she stops right below my stomach.

Her eyes grow wide, she looks at me, then at the spot, then me, then the spot... her jaw dropped the entire time... what's going on?

Suddenly she stops her Chakra flow and takes her hand away... now I'm getting scared... 

Could it be old nine tails? 

Is there something wrong with me? 

She grabs her bag and reaches around inside until she finds what she's looking for...
"Naruto, I need you to pee in this for me" she states as she hands me the sterile cup

"How am I going to do that? I don't have a "friend" to aim with" 

"You hold it under where you pee and catch what you can... all women have to do it" 

"But I'm not a woman, I'm a man!" I proclaim with a look of disterbance... did women REALLY have to... do that?!

"Well, according to your body form, not at this moment you're not. Now please, the cup" she points with a will to kill to the bathroom...

Have you ever tried to pee in a cup? Let me tell you... it's not pretty. 

The first issue was sitting back far enough to be able to fit my hand and the cup under me... 

The second... I missed... first the cup was too far away, then it splashed onto my hand, and finally I was able to get some actually into the cup... not a lot, but enough. 

After I washed my hands... thoroughly... I brought the partly-full cup back to old Granny and got back into bed. 

Granny put a lid on it, ensued it with Chakra and gave it a swirl... it turned green. "Well... I never saw this one coming"
"What?" I asked
"The urine turned green... I can't believe this is actually happening"
"What is it?" I asked again, am I going to die?!
"Naruto, this is a women's test... only women can use it and pass it, and oddly enough, YOU passed it" 

I didn't like where this was going... I gulped "Wh-what kind of test is it exactly?"

"It's a maternity test... Naruto Uzumaki... you're pregnant."

My heart stopped 

"what? No, that's impossible! How?!"
"Apparently that Sexy-Jutzu changes more than just your outer self..." ... my jaw dropped... perhaps I took that research a little too far
"B-but... I'm a guy!!! I can't give birth... how is that even possible?!... This has never happened before..."
"It's never happened before, because you've never had sex in this form before Naruto, it's only natural for a woman to become pregnant after having unprotected sex."
"How was I supposed to know we needed protection?! We're guys, and we were both each other's first and only... we've never needed that before!"
"Still, what's done is done. My guess is your body realized your little bundle before YOU did, and decided to stay in this form for its sake... a baby cannot grow in a man's body." She stated firmly. I dropped my head into my hands in despair
"Well, for starters, you'll need to tell Sasuke. You should also continue your regular visits to check up on you and the baby... I'm willing to bet that once that baby is born, which should be within the next six months, you'll be able to change back no problem. Until then though, you'll just have to get use to being a woman... you are no longer on bed-rest, however you also will not be going on any missions during this pregnancy, understood?"
"... Yeah. Alright" I answered downhearted  

I was in shock... me... PREGNANT?! HOW does this happen? What will Sasuke say? How will I tell everyone? I'm stuck like this for six more MONTHS?! 

"Well, I'm going to take my leave, you are free to roam around all you like, just don't do anything stupid and hurt the baby. Oh and as for you getting sick... it's called Morning Sickness, get use to it, you'll be seeing it a lot... just drink plenty of fluids and get plenty of rest." She called with a wicked smirk as she left the room.

... I'm doomed...

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