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One early morning, while the teams was training, they all got calls from the same unknown number. They all picked it up and when they spoke, the computer went static. When it finished, there was a clear image of a girl.

They all gathered around and washed the girl either mask tame her curly hair. Once done she leaned on her fist and looked at the. "So...hey," she greeted in a bored tone.

Robin turned to Kid Flash. "KF, do you think this one is kinda cute?" He asked. Kid Flash's eyes went wide. "Dude!?!?" He whispered yelled. Robin just put his arms up, in a form of saying it wasn't a bad thing.

Soon after Black Canary came into the cave, but once her eyes landed on the screen her face morphed into a smile. She made her way through the team and finally got to the front of the screen. "Hi, Auntie Canary. You look good," the girl joked. She shakur had and looked up with the smile on her face.

"Ok that's enough playing around," she said. The girl sent a gust of wind up, pushing her hair out of her view. "Fine," she whined. the screen went blank, and they all heard a ripping noise. They all looked up and a portal open up. They step aside and she fell out. Once she landed, the girl flicked the hair out of her face. Once standing she waved at everyone. Black Canary made her way to the girl and gave them a hug.

"It's good to see you again, Abigail," she whispered loud enough only she could hear.

"Pics nice to see you too, Auntie," Abigail responded. Once they broke the hug, Batman came in. "Team meet the newest member of the team, Sound Wave," he announced. He went up to Black Canary.

"I think you owe them an explanation," he told her. Canary sighed, and reluctantly agreed. She walked up to the team and held up her hand. It made everyone go silent.

"I had a sister and sadly she passed away. This is her daughter and she was the same abilities I have. I took her under my wing and taught her everything she knows. Her powers are strong. So it came to no surprise she became her own hero," she explained to the team.

After Wally finished his mumbling he finally spoke up. "Wait powers. As in more than one. Abigail laughed and stepped up.

"I was more home to my abilities than my family," she told them. After the explanations, she went on to introduce herself. Well mostly, she didn't tell them her name and wore a mouth mask. It was just for precautions. As she met Kaldur, they shook hands. His eyes landed on her wrist, where she had her birthmark. Three circles perfectly lined up. He wanted to ask about them but he thought it was best not to. He didn't want to invade her privacy. It seemed she was very prone to it.

Before anyone could ask more questions, Batman intervened. "Robin show Sound Wave to her quarters," he commanded. Robin came out of the crowd and nodded. He made a gesture for her to follow him. The walk to her room was silent. Until he heard Abigail laugh. He turned to her.

"Yes, I'm thirteen. And my hobbies are reading and writing," she told him. His eyes went wide. He was just thinking that about her. She smiled bashfully and blushed. "I can read the brain waves coming from the brain. Like a mind reader. S-sorry to invade. Ya know it was just getting quite," she explained to him. He smiled, while walking toward.

"It's fine. It was getting quiet," he told her. Abigail laughed lightly, and walked next to Robin. Instead of a weird silence, it was more comforting. Until they finally got to her room. Robin gestured to the door. "This is your room," he was kind of sad she wouldn't be with her more.

"Thanks. For showing me around and being so cool about the mind reading thing," she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. A habit of hers. "See you around," she went into her room.

"See you around," Robin told her, the door closed. Her smiled and left. This girl was special, in more ways than one. He walked of. Meanwhile Abigail was a grinning idiot. She bit her lip and leaned against the door. He's kinda cute  she thought.

Heartbeats: Dick Grayson x OcWhere stories live. Discover now