Clueless (kairixmattia)

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Mattia's POV

I like Kairi. Like really like him. Alejandro knows so does Roshaun, Alvaro, Robert, hell even Kairi's mom knows.

The thing is Kairi Consentino is oblivious to most things going on. He needs things to be explained to him sometimes. Actually most of the time.

For example, I had to tell him that Alvaro and Alejandro were dating cause he wasn't catching on.

There's perks to this though. I can stare at him as long as I want and he'll just ask me if something is on his face after fifteen minutes of just staring.

He also never knows when anyone likes him. And the only way he'll find out I like him is if someone directly tells him.

So I've been thinking of a way to tell him. I could walk up to him and say 'Hey Kairi how's your day, oh I also have a huge crush on you' .

Or do some rom com type shit. But that's too corny and the first way is a little bold for me.

I've finally decided to harvest a pair of balls and confess to him tonight. It's been eight months of liking him while he's right in front of me. That's basically a pregnancy.

And you know what they say birds of a feather flock together. Alvaro and Alejandro are dating, while I'm Kairisexual and Roshaun is bisexual. If you do the math Kairi should probably like more than just girls.

Either way I already invited him over and he's gonna be here in an hour. So I'm just gonna say it. I don't know how, but an hour is a lot of time to figure this out.

-one hour later-

Shit he's gonna be here any minute and I still don't know what to do. How did I think an hour was a long time? And why the fuck do I procrastinate on everything?

It can't be that bad though it's just Kairi, he's like 4'11 he can't be intimidating. It's physically impossible.

And worse case scenario he tells me he'll never feel the same way. So really I just need to be mentally  prepared to get rejected.

I go downstairs, cause I might as well wait for him to come over. I start pacing only because I've never paced and pondered something before.

"Well there's a pretty high success rate considering the only straight friend in our group is Robert. But even then Robert told me he's curious." I whisper quietly to myself while pacing.

*knock knock*

Maybe that's the mailman, or a Mormon, maybe even a Jehovah's Witness. I think to myself hopefully while walking to open the door.

"What the fuck" I say looking outside, no one is at the door.

"Mattia I'm right here" Kairi said jumping up a little for me to see him. I just completely looked above him.

"Oh shit, sorry Kairi" I said looking down at him and opening the door for him to walk in.

"It's fine, I'm short I can understand the mistake" he said giggling to himself. There he has to go being all cute and shit.

I closed the door after him and he ran to the couch jumped onto it making himself comfy.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" he asked looking up at me.

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