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Does death hurt?
Does it feel delightful?
Does this question ever get stuck in your head?
We think we know a lot when in reality we don't know shit.
Does religion or religious belief have an impact?
If religious stories are true why are there so many versions?
So many questions unanswered.
Why's life so confusing?
Even if you believe life's not hard than why does death and afterlife have so many unanswered...
Would wanting to know answers be beneficial?
For example most people don't want to know when they'll die but most would want to know when or if they become a millionaire, because money has become a sort of "friend". The popular sort of a friend because everyone wants to be with it and everyone has to be around it. Almost like Ganymede(Jupiter's biggest moon)to Jupiter, it's to much of our lives and circles us forever, while Jupiter is a mixture of gases, people are a mixture of emotion. Can emotions be controlled? Like Jupiter the gases are controlled into a solid surface. Emotions flair and have "bumps" that we learn to overcome. Just like how Jupiter has mountains on its surface. Back on topic, is there a hell or heaven? Many say you can choose to believe it or not, can you control the eternity of after life without knowing for sure where your going? Is it going to be like the first day of freshman year, in the case of where we go with the flow? Can I make up my own afterlife? Because for all we know all the other religions are made up. I'd make mine full of blackjack and hookers(not really). If reincarnation isn't real then we'd be stuck in an eternity of death.

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