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Don't take your own life!

Suicide, why is it so common?
Do people think suicide is cool?
If so then who's going to think that when your dead?
It's sad that it's so "commonly placed in today's society" -Trump (except he talks about games)
People think that being depressed and sad is cool when they become a teenager. So with people who aren't sad become sad which attracts more people to become depressed. Eventually someone will become so depressed that with the addition of it being cool it makes them suicidal. Why would people thing depression is cool when it kills people. Not to sound like a hero but when a friend tries to kill themselves shit gets serious, luckily I could save him but now I realize that it's not a joke. He was a nice guy and thanked me later and that happened many years ago. I'm not asking you to change everyones emotion but I am asking you to get more involved with friends, one to become better friends, to make sure they don't think of suicide. For religious people they have a lower chance to think that due to them going to hell. But even they should be cautious of that. Damn thinking of that shit gives me shivers!

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