Kingdom of Fantasy (FF/KH/Others?)

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This is my first long story that I plan to write on here. Disclaimer, I do not own any of the Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, or any other characters from games/shows. I only own the main character _____(Your character) and maybe a few others. The story line is completely my own. Though I control you (Sorta :P)  you still get to look how ever you want.

                                                                                                     Hope you enjoy~ Lily. 

 I stood in the middle of a  shallow lake with the moons silvaer gleam dancing on its ruby red surface.

'This isn't a lake of water.' My mind screamed. The copper smell intensified as I bent further down, scooping the thick liquid into my hands. My heart beat raced, blood. I was standing in blood. Shutting my eyes in a panic I stood up trying to get as far away from the ground as I could. Opening my eyes again I looked around, all I saw were bodies laying everywhere. 

A hand gripped my leg causing me to let out a scream. A girl with blonde hair laid there, breathing softly, an arrow pierced through her. 

“W-what happened?” I asked standing in fear.

“____, look at what you've done. Everyone died, everything has ended because of you.” She whispered the last part as her hand fell from my leg, eyes glazed over.

I closed my eyes again, raising my head up to the sky and letting out a pained scream.


I woke up at my desk with the same loud scream, causing everyone in the classroom to stop and look at me.

“_____, is there something wrong?”  The teacher asked.

“S-sorry, there was a... a spider.” I slammed my hand down on the top of my desk as if to kill the so called 'spider'. “Uh, may I go wash my hands?” 

“Be quick about it.” she grunted and continued on with her lesson. 

“Yes Ma'am.” I hurried out of the class room, set on leaving the school.

“And where might you be going?” 

I turned to see the security guard walking towards me. 

“I left something in my car for my next class.”

“So get it during passing period.”

“I would be late to class, sir.”

“If you don't walk back into this school in five minutes, I'll be calling your parents.” He threatened. 

I let out a shudder thinking of how mad my dad would be, I could already feel the pain rocking through me. 

“Yes sir.” Even if I did come back to the school, I'd still get in trouble for no reason when I got home. So... why not make it worth his while; give him something to actually be mad at. I quickly walked to the double doors that blocked me from my escape. My pace picked up as soon as the doors shut behind me, running to my car that I had saved up for by myself. Sure it wasn't much, I mean what person would want to be caught driving an old Ford Pinto, not to mention one with rust that covers all but a few spots of its old baby blue color. But being the least favorite of my siblings, I got treated the worst and was never given anything, so I found a job and saved up for the things that I wanted. And of course my family didn't know that I had the car or anything, I always parked it a few blocks down from our house. 

After a few tugs on the door I was behind the wheel with that musty old cheese smell wafting up into my nose. I tried to cover it up once with an air freshener but lavender and blue cheese doesn't go together all that well. I stuck the key into the ignition and turned it on. Normally it took a few tries and some foot pumping on the gas pedal, but this time it started right up. 

I drove to an old abandoned park that I normally went to after I had a bad day. It seemed to be the only place that I could clear my mind. I pulled into the faded white lines of what used to be a parking spot and shut my car off. It gave a few low puttering noises and shook a little until it finally died.  

Mindlessly I walked to the little creak that ran through the middle of the park and sat on the normal gray boulder that laid on the side of it. My reflection looked back at me, showing my natural self instead of the pale, sick and frail version that I always saw in my nightmares. I always looked like I could barely stand yet I was strong enough to kill hundreds of people.

“There just dreams. I mean come on... I don't even know the people in them, how could it come true if I don't know them?” I tried to reason with myself yet some how, I felt like I had a connection to everyone I saw. 

A hand landed on my shoulder jolting me out of my mind. I turned my head to look at the source that broke me out of my thoughts. A man with hair black hair that reached just below his shoulder and piercing blue eyes stood looking at me. His eyes held a sort of menacing happiness, like a bully getting all of the lunch money out of his victoms.

“____, my sister. I've found you.” He spoke lightly, mesmerizing me with his familiar voice.

“W-what do you mean? I don't even know you.” I pushed the thought of knowing a person like this out of my head and saw pain flash in his eyes before going back to normal. Looking at him further I noticed that he gave off an air of power and he dressed almost like a prince in the fairy tale books that   I used to read early in the morning at the school library.  

“My name is Vayne and you precious ____, are my sister. I've come to take you back home where you belong.” he paused before yelling at someone that wasn't there. “Roxas, we are ready.”

'This man has got to be crazy talking to air.'

“Yes, master.” a boy appeared through a black hole.

“Take her home and let Namine know that she is to care for her.” 

“Yes, master.” Roxas bowed and then grabbed my hand pulling off of the rock and closer to him. “Please hold on to me, Princess.” 

I didn't know how to respond, but this time my heart felt like I could trust him, almost like I had trusted him once before and my mind agreed, telling me to go with him. So I latched onto the boys arm and let him lead me into the same hole he came through. 

~~~ Well there we are with a prologue. Hope it sounds good... Comments?

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