Feeling Off

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(Lili and Cole live together and have been dating for 2 years)


Cole's POV

It was 6:30 in the morning when I heard both of our alarms go off. I look down to see Lili peacefully sleeping on my chest.

I lean down and kiss her forehead, she doesn't budge. I then start rubbing her back and I whisper to her "time to get up baby".

She just groans and cuddles more into my chest. I can tell that something is off with her because I always can.

"What's wrong Lils?" i ask her, that's when she starts to softly cry. "Shhh shhh it's okay, you're gonna be okay" i try to comfort her.

She tells me that she just feels off and that her anxiety has started to play up, so I decide to let her lie in for 5 more minutes.

Lili's POV

When Cole woke me up this morning I felt off, and I immediately knew it was my anxiety playing up.

He let me lie in for 5 more minutes, but before I knew it we both had to start getting ready for work.

When my anxiety starts to play up like this, I need Cole by my side constantly because he is the only one who knows how to help me and I get super emotional.

Once we are both ready for work we both put our shoes on and then Cole wraps me up in a big hug. His hugs always make me feel safe and protected, so we stay like this for a good 5 minutes before I pull out of the hug and take his hand in mine and we walk to the car.

Cole's POV

Once we get to the car I let go of Lili's hand and open the passenger door for her.

She gives me a weak smile.

I walk to the drivers side of the car and get in. Once we're all ready to go I grab her hand and kiss it.

A tear rolls down her cheeks. "Hey, hey it's gonna be okay. Whenever you need me just come find me, I don't care what I'm doing because my only priority is making sure you're okay." I tell her.

She just looks into my eyes, more and more tears flowing.

"Okay?" I ask. She closes her eyes to stop the tears and nods her head.

"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you too." She whispers back.

I intertwine our hands and drive to set.

Lili's POV

Once we got to set Cole got out first and ran to my side of the car to open the door for me.

I giggled, causing him to grin hard.

As soon as he locked the car he pulled me into another hug until our makeup artists told us to hurry and get to the makeup trailer.

Once we stepped into the makeup trailer, Cole sat down and pulled me on his lap. I cuddled into him and rested my head in the crook of his neck.

He put his hand under my baggy hoodie, that was actually his, and soothingly rubbed my back, causing me to go into a deep sleep in my favourite person's arms.

Cole's POV

Once I saw that Lili had drifted off I kissed her temple softly, and continued to rub her back. I was so glad I was able to calm her down and get her back to sleep because I know when she wakes up she'll feel a lot better.

( time pass 10 minutes)

Cami and Madelaine walk into the makeup trailer because they were the only other ones filming today.

"Awwww" they both coo, not realizing Lili is actually asleep.

"Shhhh, Lili's asleep" I whisper.

"Oh my bad" Cami says.

"Why's she so tired?" Madelaine asks.

"She's having an off day" I say.

"What happened is she okay?" Cami asks.

"She'll be fine, just her anxiety is playing up." I say, looking at the angel sleeping in my arms, lovingly.

They both nod still concerned for their best friend.

Our AD walks into the trailer and tells us that Lili is needed on set.

I tell them that they'll have to wait until she wakes up.

"She's needed on set right now" our AD says a bit angrily.

"They're gonna have to wait until she wakes up because she's not feeling her best and I'm not letting her push herself even more than needed." I firmly state.

"Fine." our AD huffs.

Lili's POV

(time pass, an hour)

I wake up and see Cole grinning down at me.

"Morning beautiful." he says

"Morning handsome." I reply, and then we share a sweet but soft kiss.

It's just me and Cole in the trailer.

"Where is everyone?" I ask

"Filming," he says." I told the AD you're not filming until you wake up and feel okay."

I grin at him so wide. "What would i do without you." I say.

"I don't know Reinhart, I don't know." he replies grinning.

"Do you feel better though?" Cole asks.

"100%" I reply.

"Good I'm glad." Cole says.

"I love you so much." I tell him

"I love you so much more" he tells me

Then our makeup artist came in and had to start on my makeup right away, and for the rest of the day i felt so much better and it was all because of Cole.

AN: This is my first oneshot so let me know if you like it! Also leave suggestions in the comments.

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