Chapter 7

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I stared at the square, black item in my hand for the umpteenth time. A harmless item. My subconscious reminded me again.

It wasn't that I found the wallet I held ominous. It's just's hers and it's highly likely that it contains some paraphernalia of hers. It doesn't have to be a huge secret just a receipt from a burger junction will do.

And what exactly will I do with it?

Err study it?

Good God, I'm losing my damn mind.

I guess the lack of sleep could really push a man into the realms of insanity.

It's been four hours since we had the chance to talk and since then I was only able to doze off for half of an hour, only to be woken up by the clicking of the lock. The door wasn't even slammed, closing with only the gentlest of motions. But having slept in enemy grounds, I think the entire British army has been adept at picking the littlest of sounds – or perhaps it's just the paranoia.

No doubt whoever's passed has seen me, it's not like the living room is the most private of places in a house and I've a hunch on the identity of the person that left so early in the morning. Now I know Brooklyn was never a rude gal, but I just can't dismiss the notion that she's avoiding me.

I mean, aren't my unanswered letters proof of that?

But, why?

Again, my gaze drifts back to the object in my hand, my subconscious' still waging war with my own self as I continued to debate on whether to examine its contents or just leave it be.

Of course I was never one to pry on a person's things. My mum would simply have my rear if she ever learned of me doing that.

But, I swear to God, I've never had my will tested so bad. Until now. When I first spotted the wallet lying idly under a barstool, my first thought was to give it to the bartender.

"Oh that's Brooklyn's"

"Are you sure?" I can't stop myself from asking Eleanor. I don't doubt she knows her best friend – a lot more than I do. But imagining the wallet in Brooklyn's hand, it was such a foreign picture.

For someone like me, the wallet is a perfect choice. Simple and practical. But for someone who's naturally trendy and upbeat – the tattered, black item was just...un-Brooklyn.

Or am I just having a hard time making the connection because it was a man's wallet? A seemingly pre-owned man's wallet that must've been given to her. So who owned it?

"I'll give it to her" I pocketed it before Eleanor could say anything else.

At least I've cemented my chances of another conversation with her.

Sighing, I stood up and started to dress and with good timing! I had just finished buttoning my jeans when Eleanor came bounding down the stairs freshly showered.

"Good morning Harry. Did you sleep well?"

"Hey El" I greeted before successfully poking my head out of my shirt. "Yeah, all good."

"Sorry we can't offer you the guestroom. It's occupied as of the moment."

"Yeah, I bumped into Brooklyn last night, told me she was staying here as well."

The clinking of plates she was pulling from the cupboard paused and it was that exact moment Louis' confusing reaction came to mind. Eleanor, shifting her body sideways, threw me a casual smile over her shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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