Phoenix x Shelly de Killer

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I closed the door of my apartment, taking off my wet shoes and shaking off any droplets from my suit. The rain continued to pour, drowning out any noise as I made my way to the kitchen. Guided by the white light of the streetlamp through my window, a multitude of shadows were cast on the floor and walls, creating patterns and shapes that became distorted as I walked over them.

The cool, clean kitchen made the already cold atmosphere much chillier, my feet meeting the cold tiles underneath. Opening the fridge door, I was greeted with the glow of the white light inside and the drone of electricity buzzing in my ears. I sighed, the fridge's contents looking bleak, and closed it.

I'm not that hungry anyway. I'll just go to bed.

I walked past the window again, the shadows dancing over my body. I stop in my tracks and glance down at my own shadow, the distinct outline of my body reaching out and merging with the blackness that made its way into the room. Outstretching my hand, I began tracing the shapes and lines of objects, some existing and others of my own imagination.

My web of darkness.

Caressing the air, I began dancing around the room, touching every shadow and stepping between the light. The shadows spun around me, taking on new forms as I moved gracefully, the rain being my sole accompaniment to my breaths.

As I ducked and weaved, a second shadow appeared next to my own, copying my movements. When I stopped, it stopped. When I leaped, it leaped. A chuckle escaped my lips. Continuing my dance, I looked outside and saw nothing but the rain. Looking down, there was my shadow. I shook me head.

I must be hallucinating. I really should go to bed.

With a final step I shut the blinds of the window, the room becoming shrouded in darkness. I walked slowly to my bedroom, taking off my partly drenched jacket. The room I slept in was, as the first room had been, filled with light. The shadows inside cowered and hid beneath my desk and bed whilst the shadows outside settled in the centre, bold and unwavering except for the rain. All at once the rain stopped, leaving me alone in silence.

*tap* *tap*


I couldn't see anything outside the window, but something did tap it. I walked over and looked out, not seeing anything.

Am I hearing things?

*tap* *tap*

I twisted my head to the right. Still nothing.

What is going on?

I opened the window, wondering if the cause of the noise was coming from above. As soon as I did, a hand appeared in front of my face and pushed me back. I fell onto the floor, a soft thud as my back collided with carpet.

"What the hell?!" I rubbed the back of my head, pain shooting from where I landed.

A figure swung in from above, blocking the light. It landed with silent grace and peered down at me. I backed away from the figure cloaked in the darkness. I couldn't recognise who they were.

"Wh-who are you?!"

Nothing. There was no sign of moving and their face was completely hidden in the dark. 

I backed up further, eventually hitting the wall next to the door frame. I looked out the doorway before attempting to stand up and run.


I couldn't move. I was frozen in place.

The figure, who was just standing on the opposite side of the room, had moved at an incredible speed and shut the door, preventing my escape.

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