chapter 12 ♣ A Hard-Earned Decision

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Our one time billionaire son, has indeed become very successful in his business, and all areas of life.

He's no other than our infamous Zachary knight. Although he stayed here for just a short time, I think you can be rest assured that he's making us proud.

Below, is a little conversation I had with him.

"Zachary, what was your first and biggest challenge, when you took over the knight industries, to raise it up to it's former glory?"

"Well, my first challenge would have been, the lack of adequate funds. K.I had been in bankruptcy and almost ready to close down, when I inherited it. But due to constant team work, we were able to raise it back up. And now, it's a multi billion dollar company."

"Uh huh. Well, now that you're successful, what is your biggest challenge?"

"Uh...that would be competition. I guess, because as much as we struggle to suit our consumer's taste, we also struggle to fight off other companies. Being the best is a challenge on its own"

"Are we going to be seeing you around this place again" She asked quietly

"Sadly no. I have to be present at work at all times, to ward off any problems" he answered, in the same monotonous tone

Okay, that was a brief session with Zachary knight and I can proudly say he's making it out there. I wish him luck, we all do, and I do know that one or two business men over here, can definitely learn from him.

                             ~Yvonne Fitzman


Zach closed the newspaper smiling, still in his car. He had left UK over 7 months ago, how come she was just publishing this article now?

He could always ask her himself, he thought, as he continued driving, trying to locate her house.

He hadn't even been to see his mom. As soon as he'd arrived in UK, he'd started driving straight to Yvonne's house, only briefly stopping, when he'd caught the picture of himself on the front page of the Fitzman magazine, and he'd stopped to read it.

The past 7 months had been hell for him, and sometimes, he even wondered how he had survived this long. If not for his best friend Zurich, always taking him away from the edge of his life, he would have long died.

Ranko Dominov had not been an easy competitor. Infact, he had almost won against the K.I, if not for a last minute evidence, found by Zurich.

And Ranko certainly chose the best timing. He had just broken up with Marilyn, he had forever left the woman he loved the most, including his family, and was practically all over the place.

He'd had to be updated about some accounting figures, and the company as a whole and was at that point, really vulnerable, putting the company in danger, making the company vulnerable.

But Zurich had sworn on his life, that as long as he was alive, K.I was not going down, and he worked really hard, gathering up facts and evidence, staying up late at night, sometimes going on for days without eating, until K.I was finally free again, and that was why Zach was happy with the choice he had made.

Nobody not even him, loved knight industries as much as Zurich did.

After K.I. had finally been freed, he hadn't gotten any better, and had instead gotten worse. He had so missed Eve that, he had almost gotten mad.

He couldn't understand how someone could love another person this much.

He had started day dreaming about Eve at work, when he was in a meeting, when he was bathing...

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