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The score was in their favour on the fourth inning. Eijun was in the bullpen, watching Furuya on the mound. Ono was trying to get his attention since Eijun had been in the middle of a warm-up, since he was confirmed to be pitching for half of the game, but Eijun couldn't keep his eyes off of Furuya. He never could.

Eijun's feelings while watching Furuya pitch had always been complicated. Here was someone so strong, so awesome, someone that Eijun had to overcome to be acknowledged, to get the ace number. Watching Furuya pitch always reminded Eijun of what he was lacking, what he didn't have that Furuya did.

But it was that frustration that propelled him forward, making him work that much harder at overcoming his weaknesses, at building on his own strengths, creating his own pitching style that benefitted the team. And now, he was the one who was the ace. He had earned it due to his own strengths, and he wore the number with pride, although the heaviness of the responsibility still made him nervous. Eijun said it before, but he was grateful he came to Seidou. Without his teammates and friends, and without his rival, Furuya, to compete with and motivate him, he knew he wouldn't be where he was.

As Furuya made another strike-out, Eijun clapped, grinning. "He's doing well. That's good." While it used to frustrate him to see Furuya pitching so well, now, it didn't as much. Sure, there were times when he was envious of Furuya's pitching still, but now, he felt way more respect and gratitude than anything else. When Furuya was in good shape, it fired up Eijun even more. But it wasn't only that, he felt glad for Furuya and his successes too. Furuya was awesome. And Eijun was extremely lucky to be able to compete with him.

Just then, one of the batters from the other team, a very strong team, hit the ball and got a run, evening out their scores. Eijun winced, watching as Furuya looked shaken, but he managed to school his expression back to normal. Eijun raised his fist, doing a fist pump before also raising his voice.

"Don't mind, Furuya-!" he shouted. "It's just one hit! We'll get it back!"

It was then when the nagging voice in his mind came back, telling him he should be trying to call Furuya's first name again. Cheering for him in a match was a good as time as any to try, wasn't it? Furuya wasn't up close, staring at him, he was on the mound.

He didn't miss when Furuya's gaze turned toward him for just a quick second, as he nodded, before turning back to the next batter. He needed one more out to end the inning. Eijun held his breath as Furuya threw his next pitch. Strike.

Eijun opened his mouth and let out a cheer. "Nice pitch, Furuya!" And then he paused, realizing what he had failed to do yet again. So after Furuya's next strike, Eijun tried again.

With his fist pumping, he opened his mouth and yelled as loud as he could, "one more! Go for it, Furuya- Furuya Satoru!" Eijun was breathless, face flushed, but Eijun chose to imagine it was because of the adrenaline of watching the game. It wasn't what he had intended to do, not really, but it was something, it was at least better than his previous attempts.

He grinned when Furuya got the last strike, and then the sides switched as the next inning began.

Furuya's full name had fallen easily off of his tongue, but yet, trying to say Furuya's first name by itself was so difficult, near impossible. Eijun couldn't figure out why it made him feel like that. Embarrassed. Choked up, like his throat was going to close in, like his face had started to burn so intensely that he couldn't handle it.

He shook the thoughts away, turning back to Ono when a first-year suddenly came by, giving the message that their next defense, Eijun would be taking the mound. A rush of adrenaline left him energized and excited. His fingers felt like they were on fire, yearning to just start pitching already. After Furuya's amazing showing, Eijun was just that more fired up.

After he warmed up some more with Ono, he went back to the dugout, ready to enter the game. When he arrived, Furuya was returning from his turn at bat, and they locked eyes.

The fiery passion mixed with frustration in Furuya's eyes and aura was unmistakable. Eijun knew that look too well. Both from seeing it on Furuya, and from having it himself. Furuya took a few steps closer to him, and Eijun kept his eyes on Furuya's, his body buzzing, bursting with excitement and adrenaline, making it difficult for him to keep still. He always felt like this when he was about to go pitch, but having Furuya's presence, knowing he was about to follow such a powerful showing from his rival, made everything he was feeling that much stronger. Eijun clenched and unclenched his fists a few times in anticipation.

"I connected it," Furuya said, voice dripping with the usual intensity whenever it came to baseball, "like always."

Eijun nodded, knowing that Furuya's fiery gaze was reflected in his own.

"You connected it well. Now watch me well from the dugout. I'll create a performance to follow up yours, a performance worthy of the ace number."

Furuya nodded, and Eijun didn't miss the way Furuya's fist clenched from beside him. It was a frustration Eijun was very familiar with. If anyone knew that frustration, of wanting to pitch more but being unable to, of being switched out, of having your rival take your place, it was him. But Furuya was supporting him in his own way despite how he must feel about losing the ace number, and that gave Eijun even more motivation, reason, to not let him or the team down.

"If you fail, I'll replace you again."

Eijun smirked. "I won't fail. You'll see. I'll prove myself worthy of being the ace."

Furuya nodded. "But I also won't lose."

Eijun's grin widened, and he nodded. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

And then Furuya, while staring at him, started to smile too. A smile that Eijun rarely saw, but it appeared sometimes, most of the time when they made big declarations like that to each other. It wasn't new, but every time, just like the first time, it stirred something within him, something that he could feel in his chest, like a feeling that was clawing to get out.

It was then when Eijun realized the top of the new inning had ended, and it was Eijun's turn on the mound. Eijun took in a deep breath, fire burning in his eyes. He was ready. He stepped past Furuya, Furuya who couldn't hide his frustration, Furuya who stared at him anyway, giving him a nod.

Eijun was filled to the brim with endless confidence. The ace number was heavy, he couldn't deny that, but he was shouldering it much better than he did in his first game with the responsibility. He understood how Furuya felt while having it, and it gave him a whole new respect for Furuya and his awesomeness. And now it was his turn. Just like Furuya grew to understand near the end of his run of ace, Eijun knew he wasn't alone. He had the team, he had Furuya, as well as Kawakami and the team's other pitchers, he had the fielders to cover for any mistakes, and thanks to all of that, he understood what it was to be the ace.

And as he pitched, he hoped that Furuya's eyes were on him the whole time. He wanted to prove himself to his rival just as much as he wanted to prove himself to the team, as well as himself. There was nothing better than that.

And then Eijun was walking to the mound, the sun burning down on him, and he tilted his hat, grinning widely as his name was announced to the crowds.

And after the game was over, with Eijun only giving up two runs to the opponent's five, securing them the win, the first person to meet him and give him water was Furuya.

"Nice pitch, Eijun."


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