Day 3 and 4- The drug leaf

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**** There are a few scenes in hear that might be a little akward but I figured it would add tension in the story. And also they don't smoke this leaf or anything so don't take it like that. Enjoy!****

Techna's P.O.V.

I wake up and rub my eyes trying to stay awake. I yawn and stretch my arms out and wander out of my sleeping bag. I grab a few crackers from my pack silently, not wanting to wake up my friends.

Ceiba has been an excellent addition to our alliance. We're doing good now. Bloom, Pine, and Wrench can fight, Ceiba is a great healer, and I'm the brains of the alliance. We're doing good. But we can't add anymore tributes to our alliance. Too risky.

I pull out my water bottle and drink some of the water to fill my thirst. I have a little bit more than half now. We need to get down to that lake and get some more water.

I look out by the lake seeing five tributes. Glimmer, Marvel, and my district partner, Chip, are still asleep. But Cato and Clove are awake and are slow dancing in the middle of the field. They are such a good couple. But it isn't really known. That's why they show it only to eachother and no one else in their alliance. It would be sad if they both die though. I can see it now, "The star-crossed lovers from district 2 and no one ever knew."

I then try to think why Chip is there. Maybe because he's smart? No, they have enough smart people for that. Ummmm maybe they think he's good at tracking someone? He is quite good but that's only when the person he's tracking is an idiot. I can't figure it out and I'm too exhausted to think any longer on it.

I look over and see that Ceiba is now awake. She's eating some dried fruit we gave her. I then join her and eat a few more crackers. I try to think of a way to break the silence but I can't so we both just sit there waiting for Pine, Bloom, and Wrench to get up.

Katniss's P.O.V.

I shoot another arrow into a squirral. Another perfect shot. I think I'm really good with these capitol bows. Okay so I have 12 arrows and my bow. This is good. I can defenitely survive with all of this. But I am quite thirsty. I haven't had a drink since yesterday. I had a full water bottle and drank a little bit on the first day, but yesterday the lid accidently came off when I ambushed Glimmer. And now I have no water.

I decide to put my bow and my arrows back in my sheath and search for a water source. I search around seeing nothing but trees and a few squirrals here and there.

"Why aren't you sending me waterm Haymitch?" I mutter to myself. Haymitch must hate me. He's probably sending Peeta all of the sponsors because he likes him more than me. He did help him when he was drunk and he is always kind to him. Why didn't I do that? Maybe I wouldn't be thirsty if I did.

My lips are drying up and I try to keep them moist with using my tongue to lick them. But it isn't really working out since my mouth is starting to dry up. I cough dryly, and my throat starts to hurt from lack of water.

I wonder if there were no sponsors for us? Maybe neither of us have gotten sponsors. But I thought the capitol loved "the girl on fire." Guess not. Or maybe Haymitch isn't sending me anything because I'm close to a stream or something! That must be it.

I sit quietly and try to listen for the sound of water. I listen and hear a faint sound of water flowing through rocks. I follow the sound and as I get closer to the stream. I finally find the stream. YES! I did it! I fill up my water bottle and put a couple of drops of iodine in my water waiting for a nice, refreshing drink.

Cato's P.O.V.

I eat breakfast with Clove silently, holding her hand the entire time. But then we see Marvel starting to wake up we release eachother's grasp and act normal. He quickly joins us.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2012 ⏰

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