Chapter 6 : Paparazzi

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Deann's POV

I still can't believe that Ashton said he loved me.....

"Hey girl whatcha thinking you kinda zoned out " Nadine said

"Oh nothing" I said

"I don't believe it's nothing because when you were thinking I can see you blush and smile widely so what's the situation about ???" Nadine said

" Ok........fine but don't tell anyone ok???" I said

"Promise ." Nadine said

"Ok......ashtonsaidiloveyoutome!!" I said very fast

" What I didn't understand you !?!??!"

"I said Ashton.Said.I.Love.You.To.Me"
I said stopping at every word


"SHHHHHH Keep it quiet the neighbors might hear you!!!!" I hissed

" So!! what's the problem I don't care !!! so was he sweet ????" Nadine said

"Oh also he also kissed me......" I whispered


"I said he also KISSED me ....." I said

"...............AHHHHHHHHHHH OH MY GOSH OH MY GHOSH!!!!" She squealed

" I know I know he was really sweet " I blushed just thinking of the thought .

" Did he asked you to be his girlfriend?!?!?!?" Nadine shouted

"No ! No ! he just kissed me " I said

"Oh ok ummmmmm do you remember the day that Harry and Chelca said that they were vampires???" Nadine asked nervously

"Yeah why ???" I asked

"I thought you were supposed to be afraid???" Nadine said

"Well she said both of them can control themselves right so I trust them and she's your sister ok ?" I said surely

"Ok because the boys 5SOS and 1D and Chelca, Olivia , and Angel are coming do we better get ready they are coming for breakfast ok??" Nadine said

"Ok I'll do breakfast !!!" I said

I was excited , not to brag but I'm pretty good at cooking ok !!!

"Ok !!!" Nadine shouted

Then she went upstairs......

I got some eggs, bacon , and pancake mix

*done doing breakfast*

"Is breakfast ready?? "Nadine said

"Yeah they are ready are there still more time ????" I asked

" Yeah there is still 30 minutes for you to change and take a shower! GO! GO !
Get ready fast!!!!" Nadine demanded

"Ok ok !!!"I said

I went upstairs and took a shower after I'm done showering I brushed my hair and wore my bra,undergarments, tank top and skinny jeans.

After I'm done I got downstairs

"Ok I'm ready are they here already ????" I asked

"Almost" Nadine said

Ding dong !!!

"Oh! they're here " I shouted

"I'll open the door!!" I shouted

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