Chapter 3

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We were walking through the forest. Everything seamed quit and calm nothing was moving except for a couple of squirrels running up and down a tree. All of us was fallowing klaus and Rebekah. Bella standing in front of klaus he wouldn't let me near her.

Thing started to get familiar, trees boulders and trees all started to look the same. Then I knew where we were, the river that we could never cross again of face the la push werewolf's. klaus picked Bella up and him and his sister jumped over the river. The rest of us just stood there we knew we couldn't pass but Klaus didn't. He turned to us signaling us to cross to.

"We can't cross we made a deal with the werewolf's on the other side!" Carlial yelled over the rushing of the river. What klaus said next I could hear perfectly.

"We'll then that is to bad now isn't it Rebekah hmm? Well looks like you won't be seeing little miss Bella anytime soon." He laughed and held on more tightly to her.

"Edward don't let him take me please don't help me!" Bella screamed I silently cursed at myself. Then klaus made a movement like he was going to leave.

"Fine well come" Esme said. We all bounded over the river one by one. Klaus smirked.

"Now that wasn't so hard was it?" Rebekah said annoyed. We walked farther into the forest.

"Stop what are you doing on our land LEACH!" Jacob said coming into view. Then he seen klaus holding Bella to his side. "What are you doing with Bella and who the hell are you!?" Jacob screamed again. Seth walked out from the bushes.

"We'll you must be the werewolf's that I heard so much about!" Klaus said walking over to Jacob. Jacob staggered back. "You know I could use you were is the rest of your pack?" Klaus said walking around Jacob then walking to Seth.

"No we aren't we are shape shifters we can change at will. And who are you and we will never show you were our pack is!" Seth said stepping up to klaus.

"I wouldn't get into my brothers face he has a short fuse." Rebekah said walking over to Klaus.

"You know she is right, sorry were are my manners my name is Klaus, and this is my sister Rebekah. I'm a hybrid and I need them to break my curse and I need more hybrids so in that case I need more werewolf's like you. Come with me and show me were your pack and you or anyone else won't get hurt......yet." Klaus smirked. And Seth started to tremble, then combusted into a wolf. Klaus and Rebekah was awed.

"He said that you will leave or he will kill you" I said. Klaus smirked and Seth lunged for him but klaus was to fast and had Bella by the throat in an instant. I jerked to help her but Rebekah stopped me and the rest of my family.

"Think you can kill me now!" Klaus yelled. Tightening the hold on her neck. Seth changed back and had a look of disgust in his face. Then I felt 2 things getting nudged into my hand. I looked down stakes. When Rebekah's head was turned I took my shot and plunged the wood into her chest. She gasped and started to turn gray with veins winding up her face. Klaus wiped his head around and hissed. Then he smirked and turned to me.

"You have just made the worst mistake of your life. I'll be back and I wouldn't want to be hear when she wakes up!" Klaus yelled. "Come now sweetheart we have a doppelgänger to catch." Klaus said grabbing Bella and turning to Jacob. "Don't worry I will be back for you and your pack." And with that he was gone.


Guys i know it is short but I has writers block so I'm trying to get over it I'm sorry I will try and update soon SEASON 4 is AWSOME!!!!!!!!! Can't wait till next Thursday!!!!

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