Somebody That I Used To Know

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posted a new book (Fraser x James if anyone cares) :) would mean a lot if people could go check it out x also changed the cover of this so dw if you don't recognise it x

i promise im getting the cam and brian sequel written im just not doing amazingly at the moment but im trying

don't think I like this but oh well it's something I guess :)

tysm for over 3k reads ♡♡♡

"S'cuse me, sorry." Alex muttered halfheartedly as he made his way through the crowd of people occupying the area near the tables. He kept his head low, focusing on his shoes rather than the countless amounts of influencers surrounding him. The club was pounding with noise and a large crowd, but all Alex wished for was to be in his hotel room, to be secluded from all the eager eyes. He had never been the social type in the first place, but recently the social gatherings his job required was far too much for Alex to handle. All he had to do was last a few more hours to keep George and Will happy, and then he could retreat to the seclusion and safety of his room.

Just a few more hours, he reminded himself, just a little longer.

Raising his head by the smallest amount, Alex quickly scanned the crowded room for his friends. It took a few seconds, but he managed to recognise Will's loud laughter and charming smile as his northern accent entranced a random female influencer before making his way over to him.

He took a seat at their table, sliding in silently beside Will, who immediately stopped at the presence of the younger male. Will smiled brightly, his arm wrapping around Alex in a supportive and friendly way as he continued charming the stranger beside him. George rolled his eyes, crossing his legs underneath him. He was too busy scrollong through his phone to care too much about either of his friends.

The girl laughed loudly, covering her mouth with her hand at an attempt of subtle flirting. Alex almost rolled his own eyes, but managed to keep his manners in check and keep focus on his drink. Will awkwardly shuffled closer to him. He clearly wasn't enjoying the female's attention anymore.

Silence filled the air, Alex twirling the straw in his drink in circles in hopes of clearing the awkwardness. The girl cleared her throat before standing up.

"I best be off," she smiled politely, "it was lovely meeting you Will, and..."

Neither of the other two answered her, so she just decided to leave.

"Well-" Alex began, before getting interrupted.

"Shame really, she seemed like a nice lass."

Alex's head immediately raised, his heart shattering at the familiar friendly yet sarcastic tone he had heard a thousand times before.

James Marriott.

You didn't have to cut me off

"No way mate, never thought you'd come!" Will shouted, jumping to his feet and pulling James into a hug. He leant over Alex, the youngest turning his head away sadly at the scene. He felt someone pat his arm in sympathy, and turned his head. Beside James stood Fraser, and Alex smiled gratefully at his friend's support.

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