Chapter 8-One Step At A Time

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Jason's POV

I watched her walk out of the gym before I had a chance to react. She just pushed me. I'm twice her size and she managed to push me. Although touching her made my insides go insane with delight, I shut it down and tried to focus on her scars and her bruise. I really wanted to know what the hell happened to her and who gave her those burns. But all she kept feeding me was bullshit. The same stuff she fed to her parents. I'm not them, I can see right through her. Something definitely isn't right. She doesn't remember anything, so she says. She has a bruise on her stomach and other little scars-yes i noticed more scars on her but they were small-she has burn marks on her arms. And the way she acted when I told her she was lying and when I noticed her body-which by the way was completely amazing, well toned stomach and I couldn't complain about her br-whoa. Off topic. I shook my head. I needed to focus. 

She's most definitely hiding something. Even her brother sees it. I don't know who she thinks she's fooling because she sure as hell isn't fooling me. Luke said to let it go for a while, that she'll tell us when she's ready. But I say different. There is something about her that's extremely different. She's not the happy, smiling, joking Skylar she used to be. No. When I hugged her at school, that's when I noticed the difference. Her mouth says one thing but her body language says another. But I don't want to push her too hard, I just want to help her. I want her to feel like she's able to trust me, if not her family. I've been waiting for the day she'd come back or was found still alive. Words cannot express how shocked yet happy to see her at school. At first I thought it was just someone who looked like her. Then she said my name in that sweet voice of hers that I knew all too well. 

You see, I've loved Skylar ever since we were eight. Everyone knew it, although Luke was reluctant to hear me out but I didn't care. I was in love with her. I have been for the last nine years. And I'd scream it at the top of my lungs to the whole damn world. Having her back home only made me love her even more. But the scars on her were rippling across my mind at the speed of light, making me mad all over again. I wanted to know what really happened and I wasn't going to stop trying with her. I would make it my priority to make her feel that she can trust me in any way possible. Having her here means everything to me. Knowing that she's not dead. The last nine years have been crazy. I remember being depressed and spending everyday here helping Mr.Dawson to try and find her. 

In a way, I felt like I had to grow up too fast. But I don't regret it because as I grew older, became more mature, my love for her never faltered. My faith in her and in the idea that she would be home one day, safe and sound never faltered. I had hope and faith when her family didn't and here she was. And I wasn't going to lose her again. So i came to a conclusion about this situation with her. I'd respect her decision not to tell me or anyone else anything but It doesn't mean I will stop trying to get the truth out of her. Reluctantly, I would take this one step at a time. I would do anything for her. 

I sighed and rubbed my face. However long it took, I'd get the truth one way or another. I walked out of the gym and into the house. 

"Hey Jason, you staying for dinner?" I heard Mrs.Dawson ask as I walked into the living room. 

I scratched the back of my head. "Um, I don't want to intrude. You probably want some family time with Sky." I said. 

She smiled. "Nonsense. Your like family to us and I know you of all people are really happy that Sky's back. You'll stay for dinner." She said. 

I smiled warmly at her. She wasn't wrong. They were like a second family to me and I was happy that she's back. Hell, I was ecstatic! "Thanks Mrs.D." I mumbled and sat on the couch by Logan who was watching wrestling. 

"What's up little man." I said, throwing an arm over him and rubbing my knuckles on his head. 

He groaned. "Get off you big dope! I'll beat you up." 

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