Chapter 13-Unexpected

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Jason's POV

I set her clothes neatly on the bed. I still heard the shower running so i went to my room to go and get a t-shirt of mine. When I came back, Sky was out in only her towel. I kept my eyes up, as hard as it was. 

"I brought this." I said, holding out the shirt to her. 

She took it. "Thought you said your sister has clothes?" 

"Yeah, she does." I shrugged. I wanted her to wear my shirt. And besides, Vanessa's shirts had holes in them. I have no idea what on earth that girl was doing when she was my age but whatever. "Her shirts aren't that..nice." I said. Nice? What the hell was that Jones? Like your plain white t-shirt was any better.  

She raised an eyebrow at me and the corner of her pretty mouth lifted up. "Okay. I'll take your word for it." She said, amused. 

I smiled a small smile. She walked to the bed and set the T-shirt down. Then she turned to me, smirking. "So can I get dressed?" She asked. 

"Yeah, sure." I said. 

She smiled. "Jason, can you leave so I can get dressed?" She asked. 

That smile! Her breathtaking beautiful smile. A real one. 

"Jason." She said, snapping me out of my reverie. 

"Oh uh yeah. Sorry." I said, and ducked out of the room, shutting the door quietly behind me. 

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed a glass of orange juice and sat at the island. Within a slow five six minutes, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I swallowed the orange juice, making a loud gulp. I got off of the stool and turned, the glass of orang juice still in my hands. The glass dropped from my hands as I looked at Skylar who was brushing her hair who now, has stopped what she was doing to look at me wide-eyed. It took me a second to take in the fact that I just dropped my orange glass on the floor. All because I was looking at Skylar do her hair. She was only in my t-shirt, which stopped right above her knees. Her long slim legs looked perfect. Her brown hair damp but still beautiful. 

"Jason, are you okay?" Skylar asked. 

"What? Um, yeah. Sorry, you scared me." I made a face. Way to go Jones. Now you just made yourself sound like a little girl. Idiot! I mentally slapped myself as I bent down to pick up the broken glass. 

As I was picking them up, a hand was in my view, helping me. I looked up and frowned. "Sky, it's okay. I got it." I said. 

She shook her head, offering me a small smile. "It's fine. I don't mind picking up broken glass. It's just like picking up missing puzzle pieces. " She said. Something was hidden in her words. 

"What do you mean?" I ask lightly. We continue to pick up the rest of the little glasses, putting them into the trash. 

"Nothing." She said, no longer smiling. 

She walked to the trash can, throwing away little shards. I stood upright and frowned. She's so cryptic. "Thanks, for the help." I crossed my arms over my chest.

She shrugged. "No problem."

"You hungry? I could make you something to eat if you want." I offered.

"No I'm good. Thanks. Not really hungry." She said.

She walked my way, probably to sit down but then she stopped, her eyebrows pulling together. She looked down, and held out her hand to me. I immediately took it without hesitation. She gripped my forearm as she brought her left foot up. What was she doing?

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