{1} the Sick Fallen

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No ones P.O.V

Brandon woke up feeling off, he was hot (more then normal XD) and his nose was running (oh no! go get his nose its running away! XD im a nerd) he sat up and yawned, he get out of his bed, he get ready for the eye, get dressed fixed his hair, and made sure hes wings are.

'probably just get a cold' he thinks as he jumps out of the whole and fly's up on top of it. he fly's on top of the houses roof and shouts for his maid.

"MAID! WHERES MY TOFFEE!" he yells as he wipes his noses.

"IM COMING IM COMING!" a voice yelled.

soon after another fallen angel came out of the house, he has blonde hair with blue eyes, he had a burn on his right hand, and he was wearing a maids dress? how that happened I have no clue (sooo do XD), in his hand was a cup of co- no toffee? yes toffee whatever that is.

the fallen flow on to the roof next to the other fallen and gave him the cup of toffee.

"thank you sir Lucas" Brandon says.

"your welcome" Lucas says.

"you may go back to your duties now" Brandon says.

Lucas groans then flow off the roof and walks back into the house, as soon as Lucas get into Brandon started to cough, he took a sip of his toffee after he was done coughing and didn't think anything of it.

he started to go over the list of things he had to do today as he drank hes toffee, he got up and put the cup of toffee away, he jumped off the roof of the house and landed safely on the ground, he looked at the first thing on the list.

he groaned as he saw he had to go to the werewolf's today (Lucas wasn't wearing the dress by then but ya know i can do what i want XD i also didn't know what time zone i was putting this in XD )

'hmm Lucas probably will want to come' he thinks as he walks into the house.

"LUCAS!" he yells.

"what!" Lucas says as he walks up to Brandon.

"come on were going to the werewolf's today" Brandon says as he walks out of the house.


after the meeting with the werewolf's they made it make to he floating whale and Lucas went to go get Brandon another cup of toffee for Brandon, Brandon's 'cold' was getting worse as time went on, Brandon flow on top of the roof again, Brandon was looking over the list again to see what he needed to do right now and what can wait for later, he only found a few things he needed to do right away, Lucas came out and gave him his toffee, Lucas gave Brandon a concerned look but Brandon just said he was fine.

Brandon only had one more thing to do before he could just sleep the cold off, he was at his toffee bean farm (shut up! i didnt know where to put him for this part so my mind came up with this! im weird i know XD ) he was almost done when he started to feel dizzy, he just shake it off, he made it back to the whale safely with his toffee beans, he was going to put it away but he started to feel dizzy again he dropped the bag of beans making a thump sound, he put his hands out trying to not fall over.

Lucas was in his room when he looked over and saw Brandon like this, he dropped the book he had and ran out of the house to Brandon,  he made it to Brandon in time before he fall, he put his hands on his shoulders so he didn't fall over.

"Brandon! Brandon! are you ok!" Lucas shouts at the dizzy Brandon.

"i-im fine... j-just a cold" Brandon says.

"you don't look fine" Lucas says as he puts his hand on the dizzy fallens forehead, "oh gosh! your burning up, you need to sleep!" Lucas says picking up the dizzy fallen bridle style, Brandon tried to get out of the others hold but couldn't, Lucas made it to inside the and placed the other fallen on his bed.

"now you sleep well I go make you some soup and get a wet rag" Lucas say as he fly's back into the house.

Brandon groaned as he closed his eyes, 'I guess a little nap wont hurt' Brandon thinks as he falls into a deep sleep.

when Lucas came back with a wet rag in a bowl of cold water he found Brandon fast asleep, he smiled to himself as he placed the rag on the fallens forehead, he stayed by the fallens head to make sure he was ok as he slept.

thank you for reading! ^^ this was requested by @WelshKitsune i forget to do this for the other one-shot for FTO but the person who request that was @Ashl0390 thank you guys for requesting the storys! ^^

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