{3} Powerful Love?

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No Ones P.O.V

Lucas was feeling weird, he started feeling weird after Jackson used that weird magic on him, anytime he thought of Jackson hes face starts to heat up and its like he cant control himself, he was sitting on top of the house trying to think about all of this, he could ask Brandon but he didn't want to annoy him so he just sat there thinking with a cup of coffee.

then he started to feel almost the same way he felt when Jackson used his powers on him, he felt his face heat up as he thought of him, a small smile appeared as he stood up and started making his way to find Jackson.

when he get to the vampires castle he didn't even knock, he just opened the door and walked in, he ignored the other vampires like they weren't there, until he finally saw him, Jackson was sitting on a couch in his room drinking blood, when Lucas saw him his smile grow and he jumped on Jackson, Jackson jumped not knowing anyone was in here with him.

"uhh Lucas? what are you doing?" The vampire asks, Lucas looked up at him with loving eyes.

"did you know that I love you?" The fallen asks, Jackson's eyes widened as he knew what that meant, as the vampires that followed Lucas eyes widened to in shock.

"Lucas can you get off of me?" Jackson asks.

"ofcouse love" Lucas says as he gets off of him and sits on the floor staring at his 'love'.

"whats going on!" Mitch yelled.

"sigh well you know how I can control people if they look in my eyes but.... if I do it to many times to the same person, they can start uhh 'feeling' feelings for me, its like if they are still in my control, but they will hurt anyone who gets in there way of doing whatever I say" Jackson explains.

"What do we do to stop it?" Colin asks.

"I dont know, its not like I do it alot, just one of you get Brandon and the others try and get Lucas here away from me, maybe that can help" Jackson says.

they started to get to work, Mitch went off to get Brandon and maybe some other help while Colin and Marcus try and get Lucas as far as they could take him.

Colin and Marcus were having a bit of a problem, they were trying to drag Lucas away, but his wings kept getting in the way and he wouldn't stop struggling, soon Colin had enough and grabbed Lucas head, he titled his head to the side and bit into his neck, he started to drink his blood until he passed out but not a enough to kill him.

soon Lucas body fall limp and hit the floor, Marcus picked him up and started to walk to a room far away from Jackson, once he get there he placed the fallen down on a bed and locked the rooms door, he sat in a corner in the room and waited.

time skip by the power of love!

soon Brandon was in the room with Lucas as Mitch and Jackson were working on a care, Lucas hasn't waken up yet but he will soon.

soon Brandon heard a groan and he looked up, he found Lucas sitting up with pink hearts in his eyes now, Brandon growled as he saw this, Lucas started to look around, probably for Jackson, once he found that he wasn't there he started to growl.

"where....is....he" Lucas said like he forgot how to talk.

"who?" Brandon asks.

"Lo...ve" Lucas says.

"hes not here right now, hes trying to fix you right now" Brandon said.

"fix? im..... fine.." he said as he got out of the bed.

"Lucas sit back down" Brandon said walking over to him.

"you....dont....tell....me...want....to....do" Lucas said having trouble with the words.

"yes I do now sit down!" Brandon growled.

Lucas looked at him then out of nowhere a knife was in his hand, Lucas ran at Brandon and cut his arm, Brandon growled and using his wings pushed Lucas away, Lucas growled at this and tried running at him again, Brandon saw this and let him come, when he was close he used his wings and hit Lucas head.

Lucas stood there for a second, then his eyes rolled back into his head and he fall down on the floor, not moving, Brandon walked over to him and eyed him, making sure he was knocked out.

Brandon picked him up and walked out of the room, he found Mitch and Jackson, they looked at him confused, he told them about what happened and they looked shocked, Mitch took Brandon and lucas, Mitch took them to the vampires cell area.

Brandon took Lucas and placed him into a cell, he walked out and locked the cell door, he sat down in a chair and waited.




im evil UwU

ok soo i hope you like it..... i worked hard cause i lot of people wanted this o-o im scared. but if you like it i could make a book of this that has more details. or someone else can cause im a bad writer but anyways i hope you like it, part two ill be soon but like im gonan write my other storys first like fairy tail one sooo o-o have a nice day!

- your mom Fluffy!

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