Back To Gravity Falls

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Dippers POV-
As the buss slowed down,me and my twin sister Mable excitedly went up to the window,to look at the beautiful landscape we missed so much.When we got of the buss,memories from six years ago came flooding back to my brain,and I loved it.
Mable leaped of the bus,grabbed her bags,and ran into the heavy foot traffic of Gravity Falls, leaving me in the dust. "Hey!Mable wait for me!" I yelled,grabbing my bags and trying to catch up to her.How could she run so fast?I was close to catching up,until I herd a rustle in the woods to my right.I stoped dead in my tracks.I never found out what made that sound that got me curious,because Mable ran back over to me. Took me a sec to even realize she was there,I was so concentrated on the weird noise I herd,I barley herd Mable calling my name.I turned my head to see her up in my face,and I screamed.I know what your thinking, 'How could such a manly man like myself be startled so easily?'Simple answer.Im not a manly man. As a kid,I used to tell myself that,as a reassurance.But in all honestly,I had bad anxiety.Not because of bully's or even what happens last time me and Mable came here.No,I had anxiety,because I was the odd one out.My sister was my parents favorite,no one paid any attention to me unless I got in trouble,or got a good test grade.I also had a dirty little secret,that made me feel even more at of place.I was Gay.

Mable's POV
As I ran,the Mystery shack in sight,i looked behind me to see if my brother was still behind me,and I noticed he was staring at something.I ran back up to thin and bang to poke him.nothing.Was he looking at the trees and the mountains and the sunset?i mean they were beautiful,but I wasn't sure.i was wrong,he was staring at a bush.just done stupid little bush.There wasn't anything special about it,just a normal,green bush. "Hello? Earth to Dipper!" I said really loudly in Dippers face.He was still staring at that stupid old bush!i went right up to his face,staring at his eye. Was he deep in thought again? You see,my brother Dipp-Dipp trails off sometimes,and he'll think about whatever's on his mind,and forget where he is,and what he's doing.Poor Bro-Bro. He always dose this,I feel bad because the doctors and therapists my mom and dad hired for him know nothing.they can't diagnose his condition.Well Dipper was almost an adult,and would be able to take care of himself right?

Dippers POV
"Ahh!" I yelled as Mable smiled gleefully. "Don't scare me like that Mable!i almost has a heart attack!"I said to her as she her smile became even bigger. "You were in your train of thought again Bro-Bro! Someone had to wake you from your trance."Mable said.i knew she was joking,but I couldn't help feel like maybe when I'm thinking,or staring of into space,I really am in a trance.I couldn't help but think about what I had been thinking about.What was I thinking about again? Oh yeah,the mystery noise from the bush,and my anxiety/weird train of thought.Mable told me she was tired,and wanted to sit,so we walked the last couple of blocks to the shack.and opens the door.Soos welcomes us in,and we went into the living room to catch up.i was exited to be back with my Summer family.I wasn't prepared for  what came next. "Dipper,you and Mable should go sleep.Do Not Go into the woods kids" Soos said. "Something evil lurks in those woods.they've banned anyone from going into those woods.okay,go unpack and get some shut eye!" I stood there like a deer in headlights. going into the forest was banned? Why? I had to see for myself what was so dangerous.i just had sneak out when Mable and Soos go to sleep.yeah,that would work.i hope.

Narrators POV
"Well,we'll,well. Welcome back Pine Tree." A weird voice said. It was coming from the woods,and it sounded like a boy. The mysteries so thing grind. "You'll be my Pine Tree soon enough~". The thing faded back Into the woods,without another peep.Dipper had no idea what the mysterious thing was,but he would find out.The thing waited in the woods for him.How had he known that Dipper Pines was going to be coming in the woods? Magic maybe? Sorcery?Pure luck?no body knows.would Dipper make it out alive? Read Chapter two to see the fate of Dipper pines,and the Mystery thing.

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