Chapter 15

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Brandon's POV:

The woman had just called out 2nd and me and Brooke still hasn't been called out yet, we were both so scared incase we didn't place...

"And in first place is... Brooke and Brandon with 'shouldn't come back' "

Brooke tugged at my arm, and we both jumped up so happy. We got up and we were giving a trophy "what studio are you's dancing for?" The woman asked "ABBY LEE DANCE COMPANY!" We both yelled in sync, we got off stage and ran back to the dressing room, all the rest of our team mates walked in and told us how great we were. Our moms and Abby then walked in and greeted us with joy.

"I told you we'd do it!" Brandon exclaimed "I know, I just had to believe in myself. Now not long till prom and Spain!" I was beginning to become very excited.


We got home from the dance competition and I ran up to my bedroom and emptied my dance bag and just lay on my bed, it was only 2 days till prom and I decided to try on my dress again. I LOVED IT SO MUCH! My mom had booked an appointment to get my hair and nails done 3hours before it started.

*text received from brandon*

Brandon: Hey babe, not long now!! PROM HERE WE COME xx<3


Brandon: You'll look stunning, as always ;) xxxxxx<3

Brooke: I love you <3<3xxxxx

Brandon: I love you more <3<3xxxxxxxx

I loved Brandon so much and was so thankful to have him in my life I don't know what I'd do without him, who I'd be without him...



Brandon's POV:


*Brooke is calling*

Brooke:Hey,You know what today is?!!
Brooke:I'm so excited Brandon its unbelievable
Brandon:I guess I will see you tonight
Brooke:I guess you will
Brandon:Bye, Love you
Brooke:Love you too, bye


It was now 1pm and prom didn't start till 6:30 so I decided to grab some snacks and watch a movie. I decided on mean girls.

After the movie had finished I decided to have a shower. I had been in the shower or almost half an hour and thought I should get out. I got out and just put on shorts and a cami I dried my hair and my mom dropped me off at the hair salon and my hair was finished within 45 minutes, I loved it, it was beautiful. I rang my mom to tell her to pick me up.


I had arrived home and began applying my makeup. I started off with concealer and foundation I topped it with powder I put on a neutral eyeshadow and a peachy pink lipstick. I put on my prom dress.

By the time I had my dress on it was 5:30 I had 45 minutes before Brandon was coming to pick me up. I just sat looking through my social media on my phone and by the time I'd put my phone down it was 6pm I went downstairs. "Brooke! You look beautiful!" My mom gleamed at me, she looked so happy and proud. Soon enough I heard a knock at the door I put on my heels and answered the door and Brandon greeted me with a corsage and a hug, I said goodbye to my mom and we left.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2014 ⏰

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