Chapter 12

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I'm so sorry I haven't been updating as recently as i used to, I will be updating tomorrow aswell as today*


Brandon's POV:

It was third period and I was sitting in history we only had 15 minutes left of the lesson, then we had lunch.

History flew by and as soon as I knew it the bell rang for dinner. I text Brooke telling her that I'd just walked out of my classroom.

I went to the cafeteria and Brooke soon walked in we both grabbed some food then sat down and talked all about our duet.

Brooke's POV:

Me and Brandon were talking about our duet we were both so excited but also very nervous we wanted it to be so perfect to show abby how good we can be.

"I'm really looking forward to dance tonight!" Brandon told me. I replied "So am I, we need to work our hardest and try and put a lot of effort into it"

We carried on talking about our duet, how we can improve it, how we can make parts look stronger..

And after what felt like 10minutes but what really half an hour the bell rang and me and Brandon headed to Spanish.

Brandon's POV:

Me and Brooke headed to Spanish and entered the classroom and got our books out and copied off of the board.


After and hour of Spanish we put our books away and got ready to leave.


Brooke's POV:

Me and Brooke were coming up towards Brooke's house from walking home, "see you in 20minutes for dance" Brooke shouted over as she approached her front door "okay, love you" I called back, she replied with "love you too" as she stepped into her house.

Brooke's POV:

I walked in and ran upstairs to my bedroom and threw my bag on my bed and picked out my white booty shorts and my coral sports bra. I put them on and put on a pair of grey jogging bottoms and a hoodie and re-straightened my hair and French braided my fringe back, I then went downstairs and grabbed a apple and waited for Brandon to text me.

Brandon: You ready?x<3


Brandon:Ok, I'm outside yours now<3<3

And with that the door bell went off and I stood up, grabbed my headphones and phone before opening the door and giving Brandon a hug. We got into Brandon's car and set off, within 10minutes we arrived at ALDC.

Brandon's POV:

We walked in and Gianna was at the front desk we exchanged hello's then me and Brooke walked into dancers den and Brooke got sorted into her dance stuff and we were all just taking till we got called in, in the dancers den their was me, Brooke, Chloe and Kendall.

We were told the timetable for today first was solo's to practise then the group number then duets/trios so for the time being me an Brooke just hung out. Brooke sat listening to our duet number on her phone whilst scrolling through instagram, I just sat reading tweets for a short while and soon enough group was called in and Brooke got told she was lead in the group she was very excited she done a lot of acro tricks in the number and we had finished the dance and were just running it over trying to make it perfect.

Brooke's POV:

I got told I was lead in the group dance I was so happy, but I was gonna have to listen to every criticism abby gives to me so it can be the best I can be and me and Brandon have our duet this competition was gonna be so fun but I'm so nervous cause I will get the blame if we don't come first place in the group or if mine and Brandon's duet doesn't place first.

After 3 and a half hours of dance we were able to go home, and TOMORROW WAS COMPETITION!! I am so scared but so excited aswell.

Brandon dropped me off home and I went in grabbed a snack and went and just lay in bed for a while and watched telly for a bit and slowly dozed off into a deep sleep..

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