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  Jungkooks pov:

As the person touched me shoulder i turned with my face red and my eyes watering like a faucet. 

yoongi pulled me in for a tight hug as no word left his lips not even a peep. As he hugged me my face was on his shoulder while his shirt got soaked. He rubbed his hand on my back in a circular motion to attempt to comfort me.
A few seconds passed and my sobs slowed down as i relaxed. Yoongi cupped my face with his hands and wiped my tears with his thumbs." So why were you crying?" He asked comfortingly. "Y-you left and i-i saw *sob* the tr-train go and-" "first of all... Relax, i cant understand shit your saying... And i never left-" he said
"B-but i saw the train" i said while my shaky voice filled the sentence as i wiped my tears making him shake his head reassuring me. "I went to get some chips from the vending machine" he said as the vending machine came to view once he pointed. "And i need to explain something so listen up." He said as i looked at him. "Youre a beautiful guy...and you should stop liking me. Im not the right person for you....You have a better shot with someone like Taehyung who has full buckets of butter labeled for you instead of someone like me" he said jokingly. Even with tears in my eyes I cracked up and he stared in confusion. "What the fuck is so funny?" He asked seriously as i laughed. I look at him, hands on stomach and with my face red from laughing. "He really has a bucket of butter for me?" I said with a smile on my face. "Yes pfft" yoongi said as he chuckled and i cracked up once again.

~At the train~

We sat and stared out at the dark blue sky from the trains window as the wind went through my hair.
I would occasionally look over at yoongi and stare at his amazement and his hair going back from the cold wind and then go back to looking at the sky.
I go to look at him once again and i see him staring at me, head resting on palm and his gummy smile brightening up the night. I flush up a bit and smile back.

Hes beautiful yet broken which makes me love him even more believe it or not.
We looked at each other for a little bit and i smiled back and he faked his death as he made himself fall off the chair as i laughed. This train may not be new but it isnt rusty, it is personally the most beautiful thing created.
I stare back at the sky and close My eyes to the feeling of wind on my hair and face slowly while my ears get cold which relaxed me. The wind was blowing at which was nice. Usually yoongi giggles when the wind gets loud bit he was quiet.
I turn back to look at yoongi and. He wasnt there. My eyes completely open and i begin to look around, behind me below and i look on top and i saw the emergency exits door wide open at the top of the moving train.
I go up there to see yoongi who is relaxing sitting at the end on the train as his hair flowed in the wind, his silhouette with the blue starry sky made things better. I was a bit scared as i tried to approach him and he turned with a smile and his hand out. "Come on!" He said while pulling me next to him. "what are you doing up here?" I said softly over the sound of the train tracks. "Oh, well i just.... I miss my family, and as a kid i got taken here very often. And as you can see theres a few cabins over there, lil poor yoongi just chilling for camp all the way from daegu haha" he said as he pointed at a small forest with cabins. He tilted his head a bit as he smiled as his nose went red, i do the same and enjoy the breeze letting time pass in silence.

Yoongi's pov;

Family memories suck to me, and i get them way too often... Christmas is near and having no family feels like a house with no candy for halloween. It felt empty in my heart and i had jungkook there but i cant trust too easily or I'll get betrayed again. My train of thought got caught by jungkooks eyes which seemed to sparkle as he looked up at the sky, it was beautiful and so was the sky i mean.

He parts his lips as he attempts to speak yet closes his mouth again. "Youre not here against your own will so you may speak-" i said while raising an eyebrow.
"Ok ok haha, its off topic but uh ... so yoongi hyung, um. Im getting me mixed signals from you and its just so confusing. Do you or do you not like me? You need to make up your mind because i cant stay hooked up on you forever-" he said with a small pout filling his face afterward.
"I.... I honestly dont know" i said sincerely which made him look down at his lap "oh.... Is there anything i can do to perhaps make you like me or ya know??" He said then leaning in a bit to me with hopeful eyes making me back up awkwardly with a gritful smile "Like i said i dont know. I just have to get to know you better i guess." I said while putting my hands in my pockets and looking up with slight frustration.
'What if i do actually like like him? But then its lust. It could also just be a mind fucking trick that always is done. What could be the answer to his question.'  Thought to myself as i let jungkooks question sink in. I honestly just didnt know what the fuck i felt. It was scrambled.

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