Chapter 3

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It had been two days since she'd first woken up on the couch of the dwarven brothers. They'd fed her and sheltered her while she healed, though only Kahn seemed truly worried about her beyond what one would worry for a tool. The other two she knew only cared for her for as long as she could prove of use in getting rid of the warrior scourge plaguing their town.

One again, she couldn't blame them, the war had been just two generations ago for the orcs, for a dwarf that was merely a sixth of their lifetime, so she knew they no doubt remembered the carnage that her people had brought to theirs as if it were just yesterday. She was honestly shocked that they had been able to stomach their hatred for her long enough for the job they'd given her to be complete, for if they hated her and were willing to put such hatred aside... their hatred of the Titan's slaves must know no ends.

It made her grateful to know that there were always going to be instances where even an enemy could prove to be an ally when an even greater enemy is present. So she had devoted herself to that goal, seeing as that was the only way she'd be able to dwell in this settlement for a more permanent timeframe. It was her safest course of action, so she'd do whatever she had to do to make it happen... and murdering a few goons wasn't a hefty price for such a wonderful payoff.

She looked over from the couch at the tongues of flame burning in the fireplace, thinking back to Straxesma and all of the years of her life she had spent within those borders and then thinking of how at last she was beyond them, yet still a servant to the lifestyle she'd been born to... it was almost as if she were born to fight. Then again, that is what the old stories said anyways, with the gods and the birth of orcs and such, though she'd never really given much thought its legitimacy with most orcs being atheists.

She was snapped out of her thoughts by one of the brothers, Galian, entering the room with a box of ingredients for the night's stew in his hands "Evening, green skin. How are we feeling today?" he walked over to the fire and nudged the pot of water into the fireplace with his foot

"Better. The back is well enough, I'm just waiting on the hole in my leg to close well enough for me to be able to stand. That way I can handle our friends from the southern continent. They're a bit too comfortable if you want my humble opinion." she reached over to the table next to her, taking the mug of beer than had been left there for her so she could take a swig 

The dwarf laughed as he began dropping vegetables into the soup along with animal fat to help flavor the broth "Ya know orc, I gotta admit, you're certainly a lot less rubbish than I expected. I might actually speak to you once you've properly moved into town." he reached back into the back and pulled out a beat he began cutting it into the stew with a knife from his belt "Who knows, we might even wind up a little short of friends."

She smiled at that, having not expected even that much out of him, so she was grateful for the kindness he was willing to part with for her "Thank you, dwarf. I do believe a little short of friends will suit me fine." she then asked "What of my weapons? Your brother mentioned you being something of a blacksmith, how are they?"

He glanced back and replied "Oh, well yes, I've reinforced the maul's handle with some bronze from the hills west of here and as for the mace, I've undone the damage to its blunt end. And like you've asked, I've left both blunt and without spikes, they'll crush whatever you put in their way. I can guarantee that on my dwarf's honor." he put his knife back into his belt and began dropping gooseberries into the pot

With a smirk she slowly forced herself to sit up, looking over at him as she began talking "Good. Then both will soon find homes in the bones and blood of Eon's pets." with that she went silent, a smirk on her face as the desire for war drove her to want the fight even more than she already did

For a long moment both of them were quiet while Galian dropped his vegetables and meat into the pot and she watched, neither saying a word until Kahn came walking in with a proud smile on his face, a human woman with dark skin and red hair behind him, she was dressed in a green and blue dress with a bottle in her hand. The liquid contents of the bottle glowed a rather ominous orange color, even though the glass a foul scent came from it.

"Dwarf, who is that woman with the wicked smelling concoction?" she pointed at the newcomer with mild distrust

The well mannered little man walked forward, leading the woman over and having her sit down on the other side of the couch from Fokmir "This is Elm, the town alchemist. SHe's been working on a new sort of healing potion and she believes that this will save you much of the time and pain you'd have to waste and endure by healing in the natural way. So, I brought her here to test it."

She nodded "Yes, Kahn is right. I made this for you free of charge, so take off your bandages and let me apply it. Alright?" she leaned forward towards the orc, having turned her whole body in her direction

Fokmir lifted up a hand to stop her "Why? What's the catch? People don't just help people without wanting something in return." her gaze didn't leave the little old woman

The old lady sighed, looking down at her feet while Kahn sat a hand on her back "Well... I suppose you're right, I do have an ulterior motive to help you..."

The green-skinned woman leaned forward, her braids moving with her as she adjusted "And what might that be, old woman?"

"Those bastards killed my son." was all she said... and she didn't have to say anything further as Fokmir immediately brought her leg onto the couch and started undoing the bandages

Once she'd finished she laid back, nobody saying a word as the old alchemist uncorked her bottle and began pouring the liquid into her patient's open wound, said patient grabbing the couch in pain as the wound began to smoke and the sound of her flesh searing and frying filled the room "Liquid fire. It first burns away the infection and dead flesh." 

Then suddenly she let out a scream as the muscles within her leg wound began shooting across the gap and connecting to one another, slowing pulling themselves back together and regenerated, that which was destroyed was now reforming while the last bits of pink smoke from the burned away venom vanished into the air before combusting and burning away themselves. After a long eight minutes, it stopped, the wound had finished healing and the skin there was like that of a newborn without a blemish or a scar to be seen.

It was then that she slowly sat up, looked at her leg and moved to get up, slowly rising to her feet while everybody watched... when she was on her feet everybody began to laugh and cheer, knowing that their time was coming. The cheers were interrupted by Fel who stood in the doorway with her maul in one hand and her mace in the other, his single eye firmly locked with Fokmir's.

"Swine, you've healed well. Now go and kill those bastards, I'll join you momentarily." he swung the two weapons forward, nearly eighty pounds of metal flying forward and she caught it without effort "We end the seven lives tonight." he turned and walked out of the room, leaving the group to their devices

"Gotta say, this is starting to sound more and more worthwhile." she laughed for a moment before walking to the door, looking back and smiling "Thank you. I'll see to it the lot of you won't have to fear these men any longer. Not after the kindness you've given me." she then walked out of the door, knowing Fel would catch up when the time came for him to follow

Tonight was a night of revolution.

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