Chapter 4

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Fokmir stood outside of the town inn, waiting for Grell more out of politeness than out of need, she knew he wanted to be a part of this fight, so out of respect for his warrior's spirit, she'd chosen not to begin the battle until he was there to participate in it. Her pointed ears were taking in the sounds coming from within, she'd been listening to the scum for several minutes now, she knew they were in there, the incessant use of their station for power was something that made deciphering that an easy feat.

She despised their words, bickering around and slandering good people, she heard one flaunting about how he'd taken one of the townswomen to bed the night before and then joking about how she'd resisted. It made her hate them to no end, though she calmed herself as best she could, knowing that she only had to wait a while longer before she'd be able to wrap her hands around those miserable creatures' throats to end them and make them suffer for their actions.

And the second she saw Fel turning the corner her smirk grew to new heights, the dwarf rushing towards her with his war axes in hand and shouting out "What are you waiting for?! Kill them already!"

At his word she immediately threw away patience, turning and kicking the doors open. She saw all seven at once, her mace quickly flying from her hand and finding its home in the skull of the man who'd been bragging about his forceful and vile deeds the night prior, the sounds of his skull shattering and his flesh tearing resounded out for all to hear, gray matter flying from one of the cracks and splattering against the face of his friend who'd been sitting to his left. Her face was one of disgust and rage, these creatures would die here and there would be no rescuing them from the jaws of the death god, no, there was no god that could save them now.

The man who'd been sitting with her first victim screamed in horror, falling to the ground and losing the sword that he'd sat on the table beside him "We're under attack! Get the orc! Kill it, kill it now!" he called to the others who'd drawn their weapons and turned to her, though Fel was beside her now, the two preparing to fight, neither having any intent on giving mercy to these servants of darkness

Agents of evil would have no place here.

The soldiers rushed forward at them, one of the bigger humans with his halberd held out forward while another was brandishing twin swords, the two attacked at Fel, though both found their weapons deflected by the dwarf. Fel lunged forward, cutting open the belly of the one with the swords while the second human tried bringing the butt of his polearm down to strike him, though this time he found a maul smashing through the pole and into his face, destroying both his weapon and his distinguishable features.

Now that only four remained they were acting more tactically than simply rushing forward, one in the front with a rusted battleaxe barked at them "You pigs, we'll end your lives and use your hides to make a patchwork rug."

"Shut up already and die like men. Your master would have been wise to send you elsewhere." Fokmir wore a smirk as she walked forward, pulling her mace from the face of the first man with another sickening crunch "Because from what I've seen, three of you aren't even worth one of use." she watched as the leveled their weapons, then with a smirk on her face she roared and dashed forward without delay, one of the men letting out a scream of terror

She was too quick for the first man to react, she grabbed him up by his head and slammed him into the blade of his friend, the sudden weight causing the man to lose his grip, and thus allowing her to slam her fist forehead into his nose, sending him stumbling back as she kicked backward and essentially caved in the halfling's forehead. And then on the final man she simply swung her maul upward into his chin, making his head arc backward at a perfect angle.

She then turned toward the man who's nose she had broken, a horrible smile on her blood-splattered face, Fel frowning as he walked up behind her "Damnit, you killed five of them, I only got one ya greedy bitch!" he complained and swore at her before he looked at the last with a smirk "I want this one."

She looked to the dwarf and nodded but spoke "All your's, but first." she turned to him and growled "Now, where can I find the nearest outpost?" she decided she wanted to take this little fight a step further, she hated the titans, so anything she could do to piss them off was well worth it... even if it was just an outpost in the middle of nowhere

He began laughing loudly, leaning back as he looked at the dwarf "I'm not stupid, the Lord Siwang could kill me twice over if I were to betray him. Kill me if you wish, I will say nothing." he smirked and closed his eyes, ready for the worst

Though after several long minutes he opened his eyes when it didn't come, confusion written all over his face "Well? What are you whelps waiting for? Do it! Kill me already damnit!" he balled up his fists and prepared to attack just once more, that way he might at least die with his masters' favor, not all that foolish

With a growl the orc turned away and nodded to Fel "Go ahead." before she walked over to the bar counter, sitting down as a loud thunk filled the air, the dwarf's ax finding home

Suddenly the tavern burst into a chorus of cheers and hoorahs, the townsfolk gathered there forming a semi-circle around Fokmir, others around Kahn, patting her on the back and cheering for them. The man behind the counter laughed as he slid the biggest cup of their best beer down the counter to her. 

"Free of charge, a thanks for rescuing us from their jaws." he looked around and then whispered "What's your name?" 

She took the drink, replying simply "Fokmir."

Then the bartender called out "Free cheers for Fokmir, the orc who saved our skins and our homes!" the place once again erupted into cheers, people singing out her name, some even bringing her money from what they had on them

After a long while it would seem somebody had gone and gotten the town leader, an elderly human man with a cane, his daughter behind him, helping him walk into the tavern "Orc, Fokmir right? You are of the brutes to the east, but you put your head on the block to pull us from the fire... these captors. I don't care for your kind, but... you've done well by us, therefore we will do well by you. Tell me, what is it we can give you in order to pay our debt to you?"

Fokmir looked behind her at the man for a second, thinking it over for a minute or two before replying "A plot of land. Large enough to farm and build a home on... not much. Just what would be required to do what I need, my lord. I'd like to join this town, become one of its people. I will serve it in any way it needs, be it as a strong arm or a splitting ax. Should you be willing to have me."

she turned back to her drink, waiting for his reply, she heard the daughter whispering into his ear, after some apparent convincing he nodded "I agree. there is a plot of land by the arrow smith's shop. It is your's, welcome to our stead, orc. Do not make us look like fools for allowing you in."

"I won't." 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2019 ⏰

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