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" I told you that the world has already needed and we are in a dream!, " All of this isn't real!" A blunt college girl then announces. " Ladies and gentleman we have a certified nutcase here amoungst us!" "If your not sure who the nut is then turn your attention to table three!!!!" A manic guy whips out his phone and dials while his eyes grew large and screamed " Mom it's like I'm in the matrix right now!!" A regular customer that has fits of rage screams from across the manic guy. " Your not in the matrix, it doesn't exist you lunatic!!!" A guy in the front ordering his meal tells the server " You know what Jane, make that to go." Thr old man then jumps out of his seat as if he seen a jaguar on his table about to lunge at him. A stoned hippy just stared and utters " Dude....." Thr manager peaks his head out nervously and returns to his office. The old man then jolts his head up and starts putting himself in a resistance like position with this head towards the ceiling. And yells again " No Mary we can't bake the cupcakes now!!!. Everybody stares and is confused at his rambles. One of the cooks, walks out the kitchen and points to the door. The old man looks at the door and ask " Is mother frying the turkey on November 39th?" The cook nods. The old man then calmly nods and walks out as if nothing happened. The cook then retreats back to the kitchen. One other old man that seen the whole ordeal says " Well that was easy."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2019 ⏰

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