1. Bygones.

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Unedited: In progress!

The heavy rain drummed solemnly against the roof of the car as the thick iron gate closed behind them

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The heavy rain drummed solemnly against the roof of the car as the thick iron gate closed behind them.

The car sloshed through puddles as it continued up the driveway towards the mansion. The mansion appeared to be imbedded into the face of the mountain. The rain began to softly pelt against the car as it drove under the canopy of trees. 

A moment later, the driver pulled through the glass carport. The rain and moisture stained the glass with water droplets and fog. The family inside waited for the driver to open the doors, it was custom. The burly man in the vehicle stepped out first, towing a small toddler behind him.

"General Sentry." He was greeted by another burly man in crisp tan khakis. Their large hands collided in a firm handshake, they shook hard three times before releasing; also custom.

"Alpha Dane." The man replied.

The Alpha's eyes fell to the fragile toddler. He had a small child of his own, not much older than the girl. He smiled a flesh eating grin at the child; his canines fully exposed. Her grey eyes were feverish with excitement, but her fingers stayed intertwined in her fathers khaki dress pants, wrinkling the fabric beneath. The mans aura seeped raw power and strength and it smothered the small girl.

"And who is this beauty?" Alpha Dane inquired.

The woman who had been tending to the small infant boy in the car stepped forward.

"This is Maleigha." She touched the child's blonde curls. Maleigha looked up at her mother, her red hair and hazel eyes symbolized comfort and security. She latched to her as she buried her small face in her pleated skirt.

The man bore a scar on his chin, it stretched as he laughed. It wasn't the first time, or the last time, a small child cowered before him. Children were vulnerable and fragile, and he was a very powerful man.

"How is Alpha Zathrian?"

Tension emerged in the mans eyes as he glanced quickly to his wife.

"My brother is well." Her voice wavered.

Alpha Dane could smell the tension in the air, it cascaded over him like a raging river. In that moment of unease, he discovered the rumors of General Fenrys Sentry were true. He had every right to challenge the young Alpha, it was his wife who was first born. It was not his place to challenge the Alpha here, so there would be no qualms between the men.

"Let them be bygones." Alpha Dane convinced himself. "Let us chat more over dinner."

Hello WolfeReaders,x

Sorry for the short first chapter.

This part is important for understanding Maleigha Sentry and her power struggles.

Your friend,

Your friend,

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