Chapter 23: ignore

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6:23 am

I didn't want to get up. I didn't want to see anyone. I'm fucked. I can't face my mom or nick! Parina is the only one who knows what happened last night... and it has to stay like that. I finally forced myself to get up. I changed into our uniform and I put my hair in a sleek ponytail. I grabbed my shoes and put them on. I grabbed my bag and walked out into the living room and kitchen.

"Good morning sweetie! How you feeling?" My mom asked making eggs.

"Um good." I said quietly as the smell of eggs filled my nostrils, o need to puke right then but I didn't I held it in.

"Here, eat some eggs." She said putting it on a plate.

"I'm good. I'm ganna go-" I said trying not to puke.

"Gotoschool." I said quickly as I walked out. I seen Parina and Austin hanging in the halls when I got to my locker. I tried to not be seen by her because I knew she was thing.

"Hey." She said trying to get my attention.

"Hey." I said not looking at her and trying to hurry up in my locker.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Well my mom made me eggs and I almost puked on her because how bad they smelt." I said angrily.

"Guess the baby doesn't like eggs." She chuckled. When she said that I slammed my locker shut, which are her jump.

"Parina. This isn't time for jokes. Please just don't talk about it...especially at school." I said adjusting my bag and walking to class. The rest of the day I was nauseous and I had to use the bathroom at least 10 times. I just wanted to go home and sleep.

5:14 pm

"Morgan! Parinas here!" My mom yelled, waking me up." I groaned from the noise. I seen Parina walk through my door and close it behind her.

" okay, I know you don't want me to talk about this but Morgan, you can't just push this behind you. Your have a baby." She said serious. I knew she was right but I didn't want to believe it.

"I know...Parina, I don't even know how long I've been pregnant. I've been to scared to lift up my shirt to see if my stomach got any bigger." I said rubbing my forehead in stress.

"You should go to the doctor." Parina said.

"No. I can't. They will tell my mom!" I said freaking out.

"My sisters friend is a doctor. She won't say a thing if I ask." Parina offered. It took me a minute to think about it. Until I nodded my head. We grabbed our things and left. The whole way to the doctors office, we didn't talk. My leg was bouncing the whole subway ride there. We eventually walked in and Parina went up to the desk to ask for her friend.

"You good?" She asked as she sat next to me in the waiting room.

"No." I said trying to relax.

"Parina!" The your women said walking over to us as she held out her arms.

"Hey Taylor." Parina said getting up and hugging

"Come on, let's go in the office." She said as we followed her. We got in the office and sat down on the bed.

"So, I was surprised when I heard you were hear. Is everything okay?" She asked rubbing hand sanitizer through put her hands.

"Well um actually my bestfriend, took a pregnancy test and it was positive." Parina said looking at me at every word she said.

"Oh. Wow." Taylor said looking ate shocked.

"We just wanted to make sure it was true and if so how long she has been." Parina finished.

"That's no problem. Morgan, please lay down and lift up your shirt please." Taylor asked nicely as she was setting up a machine. I laid down and took deep breaths. I lifted up my shirt and she squirted this cold jelly like substance on my stomach making me flinch.

"Woah." I said out of shock.

"Don't worry sweetie." She smiled as she started moving a remote thing on my stomach. There was a screen that showed everything inside my stomach. My heart was beaten so fast it sounds like o have 5 bears beaten to hard.

"Sorry. My hearts beaten to fast." I chuckled nervously.

"That's not just you." Taylor smiled. I looked at her confused and she pointed to the screen. I looked up and seen a little thing I'm my stocker. It looked like a size of an egg.

"That's a baby." Taylor said moving the control around to hear the heart beat even louder. I looked at the screen in shocks I lid my head back down and tees fell from my eyes in fear.

12:10 am

"Oh my gosh I'm so hungry." I said shoving my mouth full of the nasty school food. Parina was laughing at me as she watched me.

"Seems like your a little better." Parina smiled.

"I mean, I have to be. I still don't know what I'm ganna do. I have ignored nick for the past 3 days." I said playing with my food.

"I think that's about as long as it's ganna be." She said looking above me head and down the the ya le. I turned around and seen Nick walking towards us.

"Shit." I said under my breath.

"Can we talk." Nick said man not even looking at me. I looked at Parina and grabbed my stuff and followed him out the lunch room. He walked into an empty classroom.

"Why are you ignoring me." He said turning around quickly.

"I'm not." I said

"Don't play dumb Morgan." He said. I didn't say anything, I just kept quiet.

"Fine. If you wanna play the silent treatment. Then I'll play." He said storming off but before he could leave I grabbed his arm making him stop.

"Nick." I said trying to get him to look at me.

"Baby." I said in a sad voice.

" I'm sorry. I just was going through some stuff...with my mom." I lied.

"Why didn't you tell me. He said standing in front of me.

"I don't know." I said quietly.

"But I do know that I'm sorry." I said that placing my hand on his cheeks. I moved his head to make them skin across my hands. I chuckled and kissed him.

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