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When does life start getting easier, instead of just harder? Is it when we are retired, and useless, unable to do anything but sit around, maybe go some places, and visit our family. Only feeling life, only being relived to still be alive, but never feeling it. It is only our young years, where we are forever happy, un touchable to all the troubles out there in life. Dos our troubles start when we start to think instead of just feeling and doing? Does it start as soon as our first homework comes home? Or does it start when you see the subtle changes in your life that show that you really are growing, parents start to nag, families start to grow, and the fact that we just aren’t interested any more in climbing trees. Instead we rather play those video games and sit at home watching boring and mindless things that will later on corrupt ourselves. Do our troubles ever go away? Isn’t that a utopian society’s dream to live in a world with no troubles and no problems? Not a single worry in life. Where days are spent with friends and doing absolutely nothing. Is that why children are just called children. Even the word has the care free feeling when one says it. The word adult brings along the responsibilities with it, the word can just burn through your tongue. Is it just me or does anyone feel like all we do is the same thing over again? The same routine without stop, and then you see those people with the coolest lives and you just wish that once, even for a minute that your life could be as cool or as fun as theirs. Because your life is just the same thing over and over again, and sometimes it feels like a dream that doesn’t let you wake up. Like a never ending nightmare. I think that’s why some people cheat on their spouses, because the regular thing, the same routine is just suffocating. Of course that never a good reason to do that, and there could be other reasons to it, but I think that might be one of the reasons. I have made a discovery on people, every person needs someone to talk to. It’s a need to be heard and to be felt like someone actually care if your parrot died or weather you think your math teacher graded you wrongly. Our personal verbal punching bag could be anyone, for the teen years it’s their friends and their siblings. As a person grows older, it might stay with their friends or it might become their parents or their spouses. But we all have someone. Children, of course don’t have any because personally I don’t think they don’t think about problems, and personally I think they shouldn’t. The whole idea of life and what it means and how were we even created brings about a whole other topic. Why do people have to question everything? What does the root word ix come from? Why do we have pinky toes? Is out thumb really a figure? Why can’t people in really life, really marry food? The answer to that is, by the way, if they do marry food them at some point they will eat it and them be arrested for murder. Isn’t it better to just think about something, ponder about it maybe for a few minutes and them let it go, like a fleeting moment. People now days really do care about useless topics and get really angry when other people start to ponder about useless thing too. It’s highly frustrating, trying to find someone that you never get bored just talking to. Also brings about another topic, but that’s for a later time.

I think I’m going to stop now, my brain is starting hurt, but even if your not reading this and you just glanced at it, thanks for being my “you”.

I originally did have a part in here about my life, but its was sorta straying away from the whole general thing about life, so I took it out. Maybe one day ill put it somewhere. Any way, I just thought of this, but if anyone want me to be their personaly verbal punching bag, then send me something so I know you want to talk to me and we'll talk. Also if anyone wants me to rant about something for them...then yeah I can do that too, although it'll be sorta weird. But its nice knowing that someone else cares about the same things, which brings me to another point that is also for another day. Bye guys, see ya'll never

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2012 ⏰

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