Season 4 Episode 2 - Trust

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Dean and Deanna had a heart to heart.

Deanna walks into her motel room and she walks to the travel cot and lays Mary down in the cot and she looks to Ryder and she says "Sammy is there any chance you could take Ryder for ice cream?" Sam looks to Deanna and Robbie and says "Sure of course" Deanna smiles and nods at Sam and mouths "Thank you" and Sam lightly squeezes Deanna's arm and Ryder hugs Deanna and says "Bye Mommy, Bye Robbie, Bye Mary" and Ryder runs out of the motel room and Sam follows him as he says "I'll bring him back soon". Robbie walks over to Deanna and leans in and kisses Deanna but she pulls away and Robbie asks "Deanne? What's wrong?" Deanna says "You tell me, apparently you're worried about me!" Robbie rolls his eyes and says "Dean told you?" Deanna snaps "Of course he did! He's my Brother! How dare you go behind my back and talk about me!" Robbie rubs his forehead and he says "I'm sorry okay, you were worrying me!" Deanna exhales and she shouts "If I'm worrying you that much talk to me! Because of you Dean will be watching me like a hawk!" Robbie says "Look I didn't want to talk to you because you were grieving!" Deanna punches the wall and says "Do not talk to me about grief! I have lost both parents, both of your parents is still alive!" Robbie says "I'm sorry Deanne, I truly am" Deanna says with tears in her eyes "How am I supposed to trust you now?" Robbie asks "Are you being serious?" Deanna nods and she shakes her head and deeply sighs and Robbie says "You know ever since John died, you've changed! You're sad and angry all the time! You're not the woman I've fell in love with!" Deanna gasps and she says "Well if I've changed that much why are you still here?! There's the door! Leave then!" Robbie says "Fine I will! I'll go back to My Uncle Bobbys" Deanna shouts "Fine! You do that then!" and Robbie storms out of the motel room and Deanna sits down on the motel bed and she cries hysterically.

Deanna confides in Sam.
Robbie betrays Deanna.

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