Season 4 Episode 4 - Forgive

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Robbie cheated on Deanna.
Deanna struggled to answer Ryder's questions.

Robbie wakes up in bed and he turns his head and sees Phoebe asleep and he sits up in bed and runs his hand over his face and he deeply sighs and he mutters "What have I done?"

Deanna is laying in bed when Mary begins to cry and Deanna groans and she turns her head and looks at a sleeping Ryder and she smiles and she gets up out of bed and walks to the travel cot and picks up Mary and says "It's okay Baby, Mamas here" and she cradles Mary in her arms and Mary's cries soon stop. Deanna's cell phone rings and she looks to the table where her cell phone is and she walks to the table and she looks down at her cell phone and sees the caller ID as 'Robbie'. Deanna deeply sighs and she picks up the cell phone and presses it to her ear and says "Hello" Robbie says "Hey, thanks for picking up" Deanna sighs and says "Sure" Robbie says "I'm sorry for everything Deanne, I'm a dick please say you can forgive me" Deanna looks down at Mary and she says "Of course I forgive you, you idiot" and Robbie chuckles and he says "Ah that's good I love you" Deanna smiles and she says "I love you too" Robbie says "That's it, I miss you and the kids I'll ride to the motel" and Deanna grins and says "Okay Baby see you soon" and Deanna hangs up.

Phoebe and Robbie walk downstairs and Bobby walks into the living room and he asks in disbelief "Phoebe?" Phoebe looks anxious and she says "Hey Bobby, I I gotta go" and Phoebe rushes out of the door. Bobby looks at Robbie and says "Tell me you didn't!" Robbie deeply sighs and palms his face and says "It was a mistake...a huge mistake Uncle Bobby" Bobby exhales and says "What about Deanna?! That girl loves you and you do this to her! This'll break her heart!" Robbie says "She doesn't have to know, we had this stupid fight and I got drunk and slept with Phoebe it was a mistake. I love Deanna" Bobby shakes his head and says "What have you done boy?" Robbie's eyes are filled with tears and he shakes his head and he says "I don't know Uncle Bobby"

Robbie surprises Deanna.
The Winchester's begin to hunt down the yellow eyed demon.

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