September 16,1857

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Alright, let's continue.

My brother didn't want me to witness such thing and I feel like he was also scared for mother. We hid in the closet that was a bit further away from where my old master was taking advantage of my momma. We never knew that, that would be the last time we would see and hear our mother. Mingo has practically been the only one with me now that I think about it. He always did his best to protect me and shield me as much as he could. We were almost inseparable when we were little, almost. It didn't last that long because soon after, we were sold off to a new master and were assigned our roles in our new master's house and property. I was assigned the role of a house slave which wasn't that bad. I had to stay inside with the other house slaves and clean around the house. Mingo, was still a fieldworker. After being assigned our roles, someone took us to a shed and branded us. I don't want to get into too much detail because it was one of my worst memories that haunts me even today but, Ima just say it hurt like a bitch.

All the other ladies were really good to me and treated me well. They would always be gossiping about lord knows what. They would always say how I'm so lucky to be sold with my brother. Usually slaves are sold and separated from family to never see eachother again. They would even say that he was the best looking negro they've seen their whole lives and wouldn't mind if Master were to make him mate with one of them. I thought it was gross that they thought of him that way. I mean he is my brother, and it's weird hearing that practically every day. Work wise, I never really complained about the work I had to do. I was in charge of cleaning the lounging area along with some of the hallways. I don't know what Mingo exactly did, but I could tell it was some pretty hard labor compared to what I did.

Our new master was a very wealthy man with a good size of land. Sure I was somewhat treated nicely compared to the other house slaves but, I didn't get as much food as they did since I'm still new. I would still dream of how it would feel like to be a free slave. We were stuck here for a good 5 years. 5 years of beatings and punishments that will forever leave scars.

I wanted to go to the north with Mingo and mother and we could live as a happy family once and for all. That's all I wanted and I could tell Mingo wanted it too. I could see it in his eyes every night when he comes to the little shack we shared and hugs me to lull me to sleep. Since Mingo and I were sold to the same owner, Master made us room together in a small shack a bit far from the main house and field. It had only enough room for one person to lie down and stand but we made it work since I was fairly small. I would hear him talk about escaping before I fall asleep and when he thinks I've fallen asleep he would often talk to himself saying that he promises that we'll get out of here, find mother and go off to the north. And that's practically what happened.

One night, as I waited for Mingo, I felt like something big was gonna happen. Something was gonna change in our lives. It seemed like Mingo ran here right when he got off of work because he was a panting mess which made me worried and curious as to why he had come back so early. "Pack your things as quick as you can and follow me." He had said in a hushed whisper. I did as told without saying a word. It didn't take long cause I didn't own many things. Once I've finished he quickly grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the night and into the forest dodging all of the slave hunters along the way.

 I'll leave it here for now. I'll continue writing tomorrow.

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