Part Three: Cassie

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It’s getting late and the music’s vibrating the wooden floors of the school gym. Most of the teachers have left now and the few remaining staff members don’t seem to care that the majority of their students are sneaking alcohol in. Lloyd took Tiffany outside for some fresh air a while back because she was complaining that the heat was making her feel ill. So, I’ve been left alone on the dance floor. And who the heck dances when they’re alone?

I decide to head off to the bathroom, but as I walk down the corridor to get there a sudden movement behind one of the classroom doors catches my eye. Curious, I stop and place my hand over the doorknob. It’s dark behind the door. Nobody else is out here.

But then a loud crash sounds out from inside of the room and I can’t bear the suspense any longer. I push the door open on its hinges and step inside.

Silence. I can almost hear the intake of breath as whoever is inside the room realises they have company. My hand reaches out to my right and I flick the plastic switch. Suddenly, the room is filled with fluorescent light.

“Oh, my God.” And I take a step backwards in shock. “Samantha?” 

My eyes land upon her figure. She’s lying flat against one of the desks, her dress hitched up around her waist and her legs dangling over the edge. She’s staring me right in the eyes, a look of pale dread on her face. And there, with his head around her midriff, looking just as stunned as her, is Shane.

“Close the door!” he yells quickly, moving out from between Samantha’s legs and striding across the room towards me. His shirt is undone and his tie hangs loose. When he moves, Samantha struggles to pull herself up and straighten her dress out.

“What are you doing?!” I fall out of Shane’s way and stare hard at Samantha. “You’re cheating on Hugo?”

She scowls at me. “Fuck off, Cassie. This has nothing to do with you.”

“I just caught you with his head between your legs, Samantha.” I scoff. “And you’re seriously still hung up on winning Prom King and Queen? Well. This really has shone a light…” I shake my head in disgust.

“Like you care!” Samantha laughs cruelly. “Why’ve you always gotta pretend like you’re so sweet and loyal, Cassie? Lloyd and Tiffany cheated on you! No way can you honestly be rooting for them to win the crown after that.”

I feel my cheeks heat up in anger. “Shut your mouth!” I yell, curling my fists into tight balls and stepping forwards.

“Be quiet!” Shane comes at me from behind, grabbing me by the shoulders as if to stop me from launching on Samantha.

“Get off me!” I shrug myself away, keeping my eyes glued to hers. “Lloyd and Tiffany are in love. Who am I to argue with that?” I narrow my eyes. “I’m not like you, Samantha. I believe in soul mates.”

Samantha laughs again. “Soul mates, Santa Claus, The Tooth Fairy… They’re all the same, Cassie. They don’t exist.”

“Well, you would say that, wouldn’t you?” I sniff. “Nothing else is going to convince you that cheating on your boyfriend while you’re pregnant with his baby is okay.” I pause as her face suddenly drops. “Or…maybe Shane’s the daddy…”

There’s a long silence. Samantha’s staring at me like she wants to murder me. Shane’s moving forwards slowly, his eyes flicking between the both of us. He seems stunned.

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