8 🌨

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the next morning, felix didn't feel like getting up. texting chan to pick jeongin up for the day.

chan loved looking after jeongin, so he obviously said yes when felix had asked him to take care of him.

he decided to take jisung and jeongin to get ice cream at the mall. he needed to pick out minho's presents anyway, so it worked out well.

"okay boys, when we go in i want you both on your best behaviour. understand?" chan said as he turned around in the seat of the car so he could face the two boys.

"we understand!"


the three males walked into the mall hand in hand, chan in the middle, his two boys by his sides. the mall was crowded, people rushing around, christmas decorations hung up, a hug christmas tree in the centre of the mall.

"boys, go stand in front of the tree, i need pictures!" chan said excitedly, taking out his phone, jeongin and jisung giggling as they ran over to the tree allowing chan to snap a few pics and sending them to minho and felix.

their next stop was at the bodyshop, chan knowing just what to get for his boyfriend. jisung and jeongin, ran around the store happily smelling all of the different hand creams and lip scrubs, picking out a few for themselves since the three for one christmas offer was on for the lip balms and scrubs.

after the body shop they went to the ice cream parlour, jisung taking his time on picking out the type of ice cream he wanted. eventually settling on the same thing as jeongin, a vanilla soft serve, chan getting himself a mint choc chip.

after ice cream, they walked further into the mall, chan wanting to go to a jewellery store to pick up his reservation. all the younger boys saw was chan being handed a small bag from the worker at the counter, the worker saying congratulations and goodluck before they left the store.


on their way back home, to drop jeongin off, they were blasting itzy songs through chans phone.

"thank you for the brilliant day today uncle channie hyung, bye bye jisungie hyung!" the youngest shouted before getting out of the warm car, the cold pricking at his skin as he ran down the path to his house.

"appa! im home!"


sorry for the late and short update, i've been dealing with some stuff but i'll be updating regularly again soon <3

- angel🌲

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