13 🌨

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"time to visit grandma and grandpa!" felix said to jeongin, who was sat watching the powerpuff girls with a bowl of cereal in his lap. a small drop of milk dribbled down his chin as he whined about going over his grandparents house.

"dont huff, you're getting christmas presents on the 13th! be happy, now go get dressed." jeongin ate the last few spoonfuls of cereal before slurping up the milk and running upstairs.


(lol i wuz gonna write a whole thing about chan and felix's parents but turns out no one knows their names, you dont understand how long ive been looking for their names im actually gonna cry)

after having lunch with chan, minho and chan and felix's parents, they exchanged gifts but waited to open them at home. jeongin sleepily getting into the car, falling asleep on the way home. felix was humming a small tune as he drove down the dark and almost empty roads, his mind focused on the one thing his parents had said, 'changbin and hyunjin let you down again i see?'. it hurt felix to know that his parents felt so lowly towards his boyfriends, they had never fully accepted their poly relationship in the first place, so it made it worse knowing they were even more disappointed in him now.


when they got back home, felix woke jeongin up and they both hurried in from the cold, taking their gifts with them. felix made them both hot chocolates with whipped cream and marshmallows that they had leftover from when they made the gingerbread houses. both boys were cuddled up on the sofa, sharing jeongins fluffy pink blanket, their hot chocolates on the coffee table and felix handing jeongin his gift bag and picking his own up in the process.

"you wanna open the card first?" felix asked his son, earning a nod from jeongin, who picked up the card and started reading it.

'dear, felix, changbin, hyunjin and our little innie,

as you all know, me and your father arent accepting towards your relationship, but our son means the world to us, and so we cant stop you from being a family. i remember the day you all adopted jeongin, taking him in as you own responsibility, i remember the smile on felix's face. i think thats the happiest i had ever seen my son in the 25 years i have been his mother. i hope to see that smile on his face for the rest of his life. seo changbin, hwang hyunjin, you have earned my deepest respect and i hope you take care of my son and love him until the end of time, along with jeongin.

signed, eomma and appa.'

"you ready to open your presents now?" felix asked, holding back his tears and placing the card on the coffee table. jeongin started to rip out the pink tissue paper from the top of the gift bag. lifting out his first gift that was covered in blue snowflake wrapping paper, to felix it looked 'sOft' (someone get my vine reference please), expecting his son to put it back and leave it to last but to his surprise he started ripping off the paper. felix watched as his sons face lit up, holding up the pink wooly jacket to show his father.


oop, im waiting for sam and colby's new video to come outttttttt
~angel 🌲

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