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"So it's decided then?" The old man asked.
"Yes. We will figure out a plan, for now stay here while we'll strategize." The strong voice of the Alpha replied.
"But how long will that take!? He's been locked away for years now! We can't keep wasting time!" The old man was panicking now but he quickly realized what he said. "I-I mean...."
"Who has been locked away for a long time?" The old man looked over to his wife. She nodded her head for him to tell him.
"There is a young boy... His name is Snow. I know it's a weird name but it fit him so well. He was so beautiful. As he grew around the age of 5 he was already receiving lustful looks from even men with mates! This started an uproar between the woman whom were mated to these men. Sadly it was directed at Snow. The Alpha and Beta of our pack had mates but even they lusted after the young boy. His parents died in a rouge attack after he turned 3. The alpha decided to take him all of a sudden. That was the last we saw him, when he was 5, and that was 10 years ago."
It was silent in the room. All you could here was the breathing of the others in the large room.
"I understand." The Alpha said breaking the silence. "We will leave out on an attack tomorrow. I want you to understand we will be taking down the Alpha and Beta, that means most likely they will die, are you okay with that?"
"Yes." Was the Old Man's short reply.
"Wonderful. Now please leave I'll have someone escort you to your living spaces for the time being. My Beta, my son, and his future Beta will discuss what we will do." He dismissed them with a short nod.
The Old Woman and Man stand up and exist the room. Following the young woman that stood out for them. As they were walking they passed 3 men with great aura around them. Not so much as powerful as the Alpha except for one.
All the elderly couple could do was pray for a good outcome.

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