Myst's Background check

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Myst Milyr, a youngling who's 15 years old and about to enter Wixard Academy. But wait! You need to know her before we jump into her story.

Myst Milyr, the daughter of Myer Milyr, her father and Myl Milyr, her mother.

She loves playing games and reading books and her favorite beverage is Boba Tea.

But her Boba Tea is special. For you see, it has no ordinary Tea and Boba, no. It has herbal Tea and the Boba is infused with anti-stress pills to make her feel stress-less 24/7.

She lived her whole life wanting to know how to handle her knack so she could be as good as her parents at controlling their knacks. She wanted to impress her parents, so she joined Wixard Academy, which she will soon call: WIX.

Okay, now we can move on...

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